Chapter 11

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© Copyright 2012 by C.A.B.

You know how I was hoping that this day would be as exciting as yesterday or possibly even better?

That did not happen.

Sure, the day breezed by like a competitve track was already dismissal time, and I was getting my things ready, but Tuesday didn't flow where I wanted it to go.

Oops...accidental rhyming. Bad Violet, very bad...

Now, anyways...

To my misfortune, this day flew by like any other ordinary day...possibly a little worse. Geometry was a boatload of boring shapes and formulas like it usually was, and every other class was just phewy...boring, boring, boring, boring to the power of 59. Sigh. Don't settle for high hopes or you'll end up disappointed...sad face with a tear.

Lunch had gone its usual route with a hint of sour surprises. It was the usual awkward, sparse silences between 5 minute intervals and Lydia and Kellin's constant bickering while Blitz and I would shoot each other looks of sheer I-wanna-get-out-of-here-right-now. It was a typical day. The odd part was that Kellin wasn't as hyped up or excited about anything today...not particularly chatty, either. The most he said to me at lunch today was, "Yup." He seemed rather distant unlike this morning. He'd avert eye contact with everyone in our table, and he was more snappish with Lydia than he usually was. Gee, I didn't know guys had major PMS. As my mind continued to muse on this certain subject (the Kellin thing not the PMS), I felt my heart grow worrisome and my spine stiff up. Gee, Kellin was never this discreet. Was it something I said or did? Is he hiding something from me? Wait, why would he hide anything drastically important to me...we're like best friends...


Okay, I know overthinking was completely unhealthy and a total no-no for you, but I couldn't help myself. Kellin was never this subtle and distant around me...not at all, and now, he was acting like I was an annoying fly zigzagging relentlessly in his warm heap of mashed potatoes and gravy. It just didn't feel natural. As I slammed my locker shut and heaved my backpack up to my back and over my shoulder, my spine began to tense up even more. Hopefully, this whole thing with Kellin was just a phase. Sigh. I shouldn't think about it too would be hard, but it was possible.

Oh damn, I almost forgot.

I'd be on the bus with Kellin this afternoon.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck.

I hope you ignore my constant repetition of the dreaded "F-bomb", but I was kinda-sort-a-pretty-much-very freaked out right now. How can I not think about him if we'll be breathing the same darn air and sitting in the same transportation vehicle for half an hour; especially with the way he's been acting lately? Don't be overdramatic, Violet. I'm sure things will be okay. Breathe in, breathe out. Get your chakras aligned evenly. Phew, I think I feel a little better...

I started making my way to the front door where Blitz's bus was supposed to meet. Even though the main hallway was far from empty and deserted, I managed to arrive at the front door in a nick of time...and effort. Blitz was already there, and I could see she was talking to...Canden. Oooh-la-la! May the sparks fly between these two lovebird! From my not exactly 20/20 vision, I could see Blitz giggling at something Canden must have said and her slender fingers running themselves in a fidgety manner through her wavy hair. She was nervous.

My pupils turned to the right to get a better glimpse of Canden. Whoa, Blitz was right. He was really cute, but not as cute as my Kell-Kell, tee-hee. Wait, did I just say, 'err think the nickname "Kell-Kell"? What. Ugh...mental facepalm. What's wrong with me? Anyways, yeah, this Canden boy was quite the looker. He seemed to have a habit of flipping his hair in an overly-done fashion, but the way Blitz was gawking at him, I bet she liked that. Hmm, he seemed to be into her as well. I could tell he was by the way he'd stare intently at her and how he'd scoot cloer to her when she wasn't looking. Aww, they looked so precious together!

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