Chapter 5

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© Copyright 2012 by C.A.B.

Lydia and I finally arrived at our destination; Mr. Keller's World History class. Setting down my belongings on a desk, I jerked my head to peer at the clock. Oh my. We still had ten whole minutes until class started. Man. Did the bus really come that early? It didn't seem like it.

I sighed and sat my bottom on my chair. I took out my iPod Touch and jammed my purple earphones into my ears. Putting it on shuffle, "Disasterology" by Pierce The Veil, one of my all time favorite bands, started ringing in my ears. I quietly hummed along as I yanked out my weekend assignments from my black vinyl binder and slowly walked over to place the papers on Mr. Keller's desk. Wow. Even the teacher wasn't here yet. All of this still bugs me to a great extent because bus never got to school this early. I couldn't get over it.

Then, I realized I had worse to think about when I heard a shrill voice command, "MOVE!"

Two evil words. Chandler Gray.

My earphones fell out of my ears as if by a natural instinct as I quickly whirled around to witness Chandler Gray in all of her Queen Bee glory shoving some nerdy kid out of the way so her newly  pedicured feet could step into the room without any disturbance. I found myself scoffing and rolling my eyes in disgust. Poor kid...who the hell does she think she is terrorizing other people with her "lame-o popularity"? Again, I will shove the blame into the "welcoming" arms of Society and her friends Superficiality and Shallowness.

I heard her and her 2 stupid cronies laughing snootily as they took their seats in the back row; smacking their pink bubble gum and gushing over the newst Seventeen magazine. I called them the Clique 3. It was composed of Chandler (of course), this Asian chick named Keiko Chang, and a flaming redhead named Abbie White. Ugh, they made me sick to my fucking stomach. I could just freaking tie them to a tree, pour sulfuric acid on them, set their skinny little bodies on fire, and laugh at their screams of pain and get-me-out-of-here-I'm-about-to-die-waaaah. Anyway, Chandler Gray...oh damn, she was the meanest of the mean, the cruelest of the cruel, the Queen of All Things Superficial and Beyond...the sluttiest of the sluts...there was pretty much nothing positive you could categorize her in except for the fact that if she wanted to, she could snatch the Miss Universe sash off of whoever Miss Universe was this year. That's right...she was not only the meanest girl, 'errr thing, in ninth grade, but she was also the prettiest girl in ninth grade...or even the whole school, for that matter. Her blonde hair fell into perfect curls on her back, and if she wanted to, she could straighten her hair and still look flawless, her cheekbones weren't too high, her nose wasn't too big...gosh, she was society's dream. Her eyes were a gray color and were always alive with criticism, rudeness, and everything negative and terrible in the world. Chandler was so pretty that she made Lydia look like an ugly troll. Oh my more thing I somehow forgot to mention about her...

Her ego.

Okay, so I happen to know millions of people with massive egos the size of the world's fattest man's stomach. But Chandler's was the absolute worst. If you thought Lydia was bad, you should see Chandler. She thought she was so freaking cool with her rich-ass parents and her expensive wardrobe and her chemically-caked face. I guess everyone else thinks she's that "cool", too or she wouldn't have been so "popular" in the first place. But to be honest, it disgusted me how amazing and awesoooome she thought she was. Maybe it's the people at school seemingly encouraging her. Chandler would sleep with one guy one night and another the next, and no one would give two shits. They'd think it was fearless and "so kewl" and she'd just smile smugly and keep doing it. This goes the same way for her bullying the crud out of an outcast. It was just sick. But you wanna know the worst part about this whole Chandler Gray thing?

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