Chapter 4

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© Copyright 2012 by C.A.B.

Author's Note: Okay, never mind. This is the worst chapter ever written. I'll be editing it HEAVILY later, so don't fret.

~Lots of love from me, C.

I kinda wanted the walk with Kellin to last forever and ever. Even though the atmosphere was a smelly, run-down, and chaotic school hallway, it was nice just being by his side. The silence made this moment all the more magical. He kept his eyes forward and pretty much level with the floor, and if I extended my arm even a smidge quarter of an inch, we'd be holding hands. Wow. We were walking that close. I mean, we always walk this close, but I seemed to just notice it now. The more I started overthinking about this small situation, the more I felt the butterflies tickling the insides of my already beating-like-a-snare-drum heart. Out of the corner of eye, I continued to stare at his face. Agh. I just wanted to grab that adorable face of his, and...and...and...kiss the living shit out of it. Embarrassing to say or even think, but I can't deny it. Sigh. I'm so pathetic. He'd never look at me the same way.

My eyes were still intently browsing Kellin's kissable face when-BAM!-I bumped ear-to-face with another student coming from the other direction. Oh sheee-yat. Kellin's laugh began to emerge out of his half-smiling mouth as papers and books went airborne.

Quickly turning forward, my face getting hotter by the millisecond, I saw the person I bumped into.

"Um...hi?" she questioned, shaking her wavy black and brown hair away from her face. Oh. It was just Blitz.

Blitz. Blitz Moriarty. There was no question it was her when I saw her black wavy hair highlighted neatly with brown and her signature bow nesting squarely on her head. Today, she was wearing a purple polka-dotted bow that matched her purple blazer and high top Converse. Her sapphire colored eyes seemed to smile at me as we started gathering our things. I kinda missed Blitz. We used to be so close in middle school, but I guess having one class together changes "closeness" with the snap of the fingers.

"I'm so sorry," I blurted out without thinking. Haha, nice, Vi.

Blitz shook her head. "No, it was equally my fault. It's fine." She and I began gathering the spilled supplies while Kellin talked to some girl from his grade. I studied her carefully. So this is what Kellin's type looks like, huh? Sigh. It didn't seem like it. She had wavy platinum blonde hair cascading down her spine, the tips curling ever-so-slightly. Her blue eyes were dabbed ferociously with pink eyeshadow, a shitload of mascara, and a disastrous amount of eyeliner. Foundation, concealer, blush, and bronzer fogged up her already pretty face. Her skanky shirt and shorts combo wasn't exactly helping with my first impression of her, either. I couldn't make out what they were talking about, but I heard Kellin laugh at something she said. Nervousness and anxiety filled my brain. Look at this. He'd never want a girl like me. She and I are total opposites...

No, Violet. Don't think of it like that. Kellin and Skanky might not have feelings for each other. Maybe they're only friends...pals...amigos...mon amies...

Ugh, NO. That's so hard to believe! Just look at the way Skanky is giggling and flouncing her boy attactors at him. Hello, Skanky? Yeah, those things on your chest...they go IN your shirt. Gosh, I hope Kellin's not staring at them.

Blitz looked at me. I felt her eyes creeping on my skin, so I quickly averted my eyes from Kellin's direction and smiled at her. Yikes.

"You still like that Kellin guy?" she asked me, smirking. She elbowed me a bit. Aww man, was is that obvious in middle school, too? I mean, I told her about my crush on him, but I didn't think it was that apparent...golly, I need to be more subtle. I don't want him finding out. I DEFINITELY don't want him finding out. Psh. Imagine how badly that would go.

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