P A R T - T W E N T Y

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Chapter Twenty: The Ski Trip - Part One
Friday February 1st, 11:45am

Magnus pulled into a gas station along the high way, the large seven seater SUV coming to a gentle stop... "Whoever needs a piss hurry up," Magnus said, turning to look back at the rest of the car from the drivers seat...

They'd been driving since nine on the dot after picking up Alice from her house. She'd climbed into the back beside Fei since Candice had volunteered to sit next to her brother with Charlie in the front next to Magnus... the car seat politics had gotten slightly awkward, especially since Alice had quietly expected to be sitting in the front beside him instead of Charlie.

Carefully Alice got out, sliding the door to one side and jumping out onto the concrete, the code air washing over her skin and prickling it as she stretched her arms above her head and yawned, since they'd been driving for almost three hours without a break and still had another three or so hours to go until they got to the resort. Candice had fallen asleep, so stayed silent in her seat as the others got out and did the same stretches and yawns, mumbling about coffee and snacks as Fei came to stand next to Alice as she quietly watched Magnus step out the SUV elegantly and fill up on gas.

"So, how're things going?" Fei asked, her voice quiet as she folded her arms as smirked discreetly at Alice, seeing the smitten way she was gazing at Magnus who seemed oblivious, when it fact he wasn't. He knew she was looking at him, but didn't turn around to make eye contact just yet.

"With Magnus?" Alice replied, seeing Fei nod as a response. "I dunno," she shrugged, deciding to keep her expectations to herself since gossip tended to ruin most relationships before they could even begin and she knew too well that Magnus was a private person. "It's good, I guess."

"Are you happy?" Fei asked, the tone of her question surprising Alice. She seemed like she genuinely cared and wanted to know if Alice was happy with how things were going.

"Yeah," Alice replied, smiling warmly since she appreciated that Fei hadn't tried to pry and further. "Shall we get some coffee?" She asked, beginning to shiver slightly from the cold breeze.

"Sure," Fei agreed, keeping her arms folded as Alice quickly suggested that they ask Magnus if he wanted anything, giving her an excuse to talk to him. As casually as Alice could, pushing what had happened between them the day before out of her mind, she approached him... glancing over his outfit and liking how his all black sweatpants and sweatshirt seemed to look so expensive and stylish on him. He'd covered his hair with a white beanie, and adjusted it slightly as he saw the two girls approaching him just as he finished filling the car's tank up.

"Hey," Alice greeted, tucking her hair behind her ear to give her hands something to do for a moment.

"Hey," he replied, licking his lips moments after as he looked at her face carefully.

"We were wondering if you wanted anything from the café, we're gonna get some coffee." Alice continued, and Magnus could see the slight blush in her cheeks and wondered if she was getting nervous around him again.

"Just a black coffee." He replied, then dug into his pocket to retrieve his wallet.

"Oh, I can-" she began but Magnus put his card in her hand forcefully,

"It's to pay for the gas, since you're already walking over there." He said, cutting her off with a steady gaze. He liked the look of her being nervous around him, since it gave him a weird thrill to have that power over her.

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