Chapter 2

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What?!? Partners with Whom?

Jordan’s POV:

I sat down in the second row in British literature and stared at the clock, since Mr. Smith hasn’t arrived yet. I notice Dominic talking to some girl.

“So does London have a big mall,” the girl flirtatiously asked, that must be Evelyn.

“So does he have a desperate sign on his forehead,” I asked mimicking her.

He looked at me and laughed; I looked at him and smiled. Why are girls so freaking desperate? Maybe if she closed her freaking legs, she wouldn’t go around talking to every hot new guy? Well the girl that he was talking to was Evelyn AKA the whore of the school. I absolutely hate her, although she was a nice girl in 9th grade. Then, her cheerleading status went to her head and boys went in her pants, and it was a drastic chain reaction. Oh well, some girls like attention even though it can cause them to get a STD.

She glared and me and grumbled, “At least, I’m not virgin!”

“Well that's where you’re wrong. . . I'm not a virgin but I know how to keep my legs closed longer than five minutes-unlike you. Oh yeah, and your boyfriend Wyatt was really, really good,“I confirmed, not caring if anyone heard. I was dying inside from laughter- I have never slept with Wyatt. She looked at me in shock.

Dominic glared at the both of us and asked, slightly irritated, “Girls, why are you both having bloody fits!?”

I ignored them both and saw Mr. Smith walk in with a smirk on his face. I guess he heard our argument, every teacher knows that hardly anybody can piss me off, but when they do, I come in full throttle not caring at all. I always get away with it because I never get and trouble and always stay out of the way. Mr. Smith started talking about “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen. I completely zone out and pull out my phone:

Completely Bored, Girrrrrr!! HELP ME! : / - Jordan

I AM TOOO! I got six guys numbers! : ) - Brooklyn

Lucky you. I have to show this HOT, I mean Taylor Lautner HOT, British guy around school. FML- Jordan

I can see bf+ gf in the future

Whateves!! Bye Beootchhh. : ) - Jordan

Bye HO3! - Brooklyn

I felt eyes on me; I turned around to see Dominic staring at my phone. I looked at him with a worried face, wondering if he saw when I said he was hot. I feel so embarrassed but as soon as I was about to speak he beats me to it.

“You think I’m hot,” He interrupted. What do I say? I need to come up with a good excuse.

“Well in America hot means . . . . He’s. . . . Obviously . . . . Tr--endy,” I stammered out, having a party mentally. I am really good at saving my ass.

“Ohh I see,” Dominic said with a sarcastic tone.

I looked at him and smiled, hoping he fell for it. I focused back on the teacher and wrote down tons and tons of notes. One thing about Mr. Smith, he gives a lot of pop quizzes for no reason. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Dominic about to talk to me.

"I wasn't born yesterday. . . . But thanks! You’re beyond hot to me; more like gorgeous. Your like a mixture between Angelina Jolie and Victoria Beckham," He stated, looking at me.

I smiled, sighed and looked at the clock. I collected my stuff and straightened my hair as soon as the bell began to ring. I ran out the door so as to get away from Evelyn and her wrath. I ran straight to Brooklyn’s locker and sighed once again, because she was a no show. But then I looked around and saw her running towards me! Thank God, I gotta tell her about Dominic and Evelyn!

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