Cutest couple Shaylor #2

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I'm soo sorry this is late but I recently went to the doctors yesterday because my foot was killing me so I went and they think that a splinter may have gotten into it probably from the Water park. So I'll be updating and putting up two or three up today. After you read this please go watch Legally Blonde The Musical. It's hilarious! Please enjoy this peace offering as a present of my love to you.

Nash cleared his throat before the words,"Mr.Mendes this alleged affair with Ms.Lox has been going on for?" fell out and Shawn looked at him"Two years". Nash walked to the other side of the makeshift podium,looking down at the folder in his hands,"And your first name again is ?". Shawn tried to not laugh as he answered with "Shawn",as Nash had a light blush on his cheek,"And your boyfriends name is?"."Taylor"Shawn face palms and widens his eyes before saying"You say boyfriend I thought you say best friend. Taylor is my best friend" in a funny accent which made a few people laugh as he tried to save himself. "You bastard! You lying bastard!"A similar accent to Shawn's yelled out and out popped Taylor himself,"That is it! I no cover for you no more,peoples I have a BIG announcement! This man is gay and European!"Taylor shouted and pointed at Shawn as he tried to hold in his laughter."You got to stop your bein a completely closet case. It's me not her he's seeing no matter what he says I swear he never,ever,ever swing the other way.You are so gay,you big parfait,you flaming,one-man cabaret."Taylor sang out as he walked closer to Shawn letting a silent laugh. "I'm straight""You were not yesterday. So if I may I'm proud to say he's gay!"Shawn took the mic before Taylor took it back and walked back to the others,"Fine okay I'm gay!"Shawn shouted out as he stood up."Hooray!"The guys shouted with a huge smirk on their faces,"Fine okay we're gay."Shaylor said at the same time before Taylor jumped into Shawn's arms,carrying him bridal style,and walked off stage."Woo! Give it up for Shaylor everybody! With that being said,please welcome Shaylor the cutest couple here!"Mahogany yelled out and the crowed cheered as they walked back on stage,some chanting 'kiss!' which they did.Cam handed her his mic,"Thank you so much for doing that!"The girl who asked them the question and they smiled at her,"No problem"and Cam hugged her,kissing her cheek before taking the mic back and going on stage.

This probably sucked but hey if you have seen this musical comment something from it. if not I suggest you watch it because it's one of the best musicals ever. well enjoy your day/night/morning. :)

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