Texting & Realization

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It was a friday night around 2 weeks before the next training camp and I was staying over at Kuro's house. He was reading a book up on his bed and I was playing a game on my DS again when my phone started going off like crazy because of text messages. I knew it was Shouyou and I waited five minutes for it to stop vibrating.

"Chibi-chan texting you?" I paused my game and picked up my phone to read through my messages. All the vibrating seemed to have got Kuro's attention, who walked behind me to read the text messages with me. I just nod my head yes.


Coach told us that we are going to Tokyo in 2 weeks for another training camp!!


It's been forever!


I can't wait to play volleyball with all of you!!!


I'll make you more passionate about it this time, Kenma!




I missed you Kenma :(


Can't wait to see you! <3

My heart jumps out of my chest a little as I read the last two messages. Shouyou never had used the heart emoji when texting me and everyone knows that you usually use the heart emoji with people you like.

"Looks like he likes you" Kuro smiles down at me. I meet his eyes and I know he is being serious, as if he as saying 'go ask him out' with the stare. I shake my head no as I type out my response, then pray to God as I hit the send button. This only prompts a 'oho ho' from Kuro.


See you in two weeks Shouyou <3

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