First Training Camp

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The next time I see Shouyou, it's at a training camp in Tokyo. I watch the Karasuno team make their way onto the court but I notice that they are all there except for Shouyou. I accidentally ask outloud and Tora tells me he's taking supplementary exams. He probably got the information from Karasuno's #5 I think to myself.

Shouyou, along with his genius setter, arrive late into the afternoon. The rest of the day goes on as usual but Karasuno does not do as many penalties as they did earlier in the day. When it is evening, I find myself with Shouyou in one of the practice gyms. There are a few others around but everyone else is focused on their own things.

"I missed you, Kenma!" He says and then flashes me a very big smile that makes me feel warm inside. I never am one to show any emotion so when I feel my face get hot, I am somewhat surprised. Just by seeing Shouyou smile at me causes me to blush.

"I missed you too, Shouyou" I say warmly, not certain what I am feeling at the moment. As I knew he would, he asks for a few tosses. I would normally have complained but I decide to give him two tosses. I watch him spike the first one, the way his body moves swiftly forward and jumps up high, slamming the ball down near the endline at the other side of the court. As I toss him the second one, my eyes wander up to his face as I take in his features—the way his eyes are piercing yet soft, the curliness of his hair, the small freckles on his face. I do not know why I'm focusing on it so I tell him I am tired.

He runs off somewhere else, probably looking for more practice as I make my way to the showers, thinking about my current thoughts. I like Shouyou as a friend...or was it more than that? I close my eyes and try to process my thoughts as I run the cold water over my body, towel off and change into comfortable clothes to sleep in. I walk into the Nekoma team room and push the thoughts to the back of my mind as I pull out my DS, avoiding everyone else in the room.

Eventually, Kuro comes in and plops down in the futon next to mine, probably just tired. I notice that he is looking through his phone as if he is looking for something and his eyes seem to light up when he finds it. He shows me his phone, as if I know what is on his screen.

"What is this?" I ask, not bothering to looking at the screen.

"Apparently someone wants to be more than just friends with Chibi-chan" Kuro says while arching his eyebrows at me. I finally focus on the picture on his screen. It shows Shouyou and me but showed a light hue of red on my cheeks from when I was blushing.

"Shut up Kuro" I throw the phone at him, knowing that he has said exactly what was on my mind earlier. I had started developing feelings towards Shouyou, feelings which I could not explain. I decided to just wait until I had more information to work with.

The training camp came to an end pretty quick and I had to say goodbye to Shouyou for now. I knew that I would miss him but I knew that it would be good for my mind to spend time away from him so I was not constantly thinking about him...except that I starting noticing something in his texts.

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