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I sat in my tent until Baelfire came in, telling me it was dinner time. I said I wasn't hungry, but told him to get Sam. After a few minutes, he came in with a confused look. He sat next to me on my cot.

"What's up?" he asked.

"Sam, we have to leave here. Now." I said quietly but firmly, the sternness in my eyes leaving no room for interpretation.

"Ava, I told you already. We can't leave camp without a way off the island." He said. I grabbed his hand.

"Yes we can! Anything is better than staying here!" I pleaded.

"No. If we leave camp Pan will catch us an we will be punished. Why are you suddenly so interested in leaving?" I was not going to tell him about the kiss. I would never tell anyone about the kiss.

"Why are you so interested in staying?" I said. "Are you really that loyal to Pan?" He didn't say anything. He stood up stormed out of my tent. I followed him.

"Samuel Joseph Highmark, don't you dare walk away from me!" I shouted. He whipped around, startled that I had used his full name. Our mother only called us by our full names when we were in big trouble. I realized that everyone in the camp was staring at us.

"Are you?" I asked, referring to if he was loyal to Pan. He just stared at me.

"Tell me!" I yelled. He looked at his shoes, thinking hard. Finally he looked up with a blank expression, so blank that it planted a seed of alarm in my gut.

"Yes, I am." He said. My heart sank. He was loyal to Pan, he wasn't going to escape with me. Sam walked up to me.

"Please don't try to run, Ava. You belong to Pan. The sooner you accept that the better." He said very quietly. Then he left me. I fought the urge to burst into tears. The person I thought I could trust the most, just told me that they were loyal to the enemy. Who just told me that there was no hope. I trudged back to my tent with my head down.
I was in a box, a box the size of a small room. Suddenly, the walls began to move. The room got smaller and smaller. Panic rose in my chest, and I spread my arms out to try to slow the walls that were about to squish me flat. Soon the tighness of the shrinking box forced me to kneel down. The walls kept moving closer and closer.

I was alone in a empty room. No windows, no doors, and no furniture. Then, Pan was there. He began walking towards me. I tried to move, but I was frozen. My limbs refused to budge. He reached me and brought his lips to mine. I kissed him back passionately.

"Stop!!!!!" I screamed. It was just another dream. I had been having the dream about the walls closing in on me since I was a kid, and it still caused me to wake up screaming. But the last one was by far the most confusing. And frightening. Sweat pasted hair to my face and the blankets were tangled around me like ropes. I heard footsteps approaching my tent. Oh God. Not Pan again. The head that popped into my tent wasn't Pan's, but Baelfire's. He gave me a concerned look. I sighed with relief and opened my arms, inviting him in. He sat on my cot and wrapped his arms around me. He smelled like the earth after a rainy day. I squeezed his middle. We sat there for several minutes. He never asked what I had dreamt about, he just sat there and held me. Already knowing that all I needed right now was some comfort, for someone to be there.

"I'm scared, Bae." I whispered after awhile. He stroked my hair soothingly.

"It's ok, I'm here." he said. He broke our hug and looked me in the eyes.

"I'll be right back." he said. He left my tent and returned a few minutes later with a blanket and pillow. He layed them on the floor next to my cot and layed down. Giving me a warm smile, he said,

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