Beautiful view

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After dinner, I excused myself to my tent. I felt Pan's eyes burning holes in my back as I exited the circle of boys eating soup and stalked over to my tent. Once I was safely inside, I fished the note out of my boot. I unfolded it and read my brother's neat handwriting. It said, "After everyone goes to sleep, meet me in my tent." It would be a few hours before anyone went to bed, and I really didn't plan on leaving my tent. I sighed, frustrated. I needed to talk with Sam now. But we both knew that was too risky. So, I tugged off my boots, removed my corset and lay on my cot. I took out my father's book and opened to the pages about Neverland. I read all about the poison Dreamshade, which if injected would kill you in a less than a day. And apparently it had no known antidote. The only way to be cured of it was to drink from a spring on Dead Man's Peak, which was rich with the powers of Neverland. But all magic comes at a price and once the waters of the spring passed your lips, you were forever bound to Neverland. After about an hour of studying, Pan's head popped into my tent.

"What are you doing?" he hissed, narrowing his eyes at the fact that I would rather be in my tent than out there with everybody else.

"Reading." I stated innocently. He glared.

"Anti-social much?" he teased.

"Control freak much?" I snapped back. With that he left me to my sweet privacy.
After a few agonizing hours, things calmed down and everyone retired to their tents. I waited a while for everyone to fall asleep before slipping on my shoes and leaving my tent. Years of hunting in the forest taught me to quickly move around without making any noise. When I reached Sam's tent I saw that he was sitting cross legged on the ground, waiting for me. I sat down in front of him.

"So, what's up?" I said so quietly it was barely audible to my own ears. He put a finger to his lips. He took my arm turned it over. He began drawing on my inner arm and I immediately understood what he was doing. When we were younger, we would sneak into each other's bedrooms to tell stories. It was very late and we didn't want our parents to catch us, so we communicated through tracing words on our skin so no sound was ever necessary.

Sam drew on my arm and said, Pan has ears everywhere, we can't risk making any noise.

I took his arm and replied, Sam, why are you here?

Don't worry, I'm not one of them. Pan's a liar and a demon.

Then why did you come to Neverland?

I didn't really "come." It was more like "taken."

Then why are you still here? Let's get out of here!

No, we can't leave the camp without a way off the island.

Yes we can! We can hide in the jungle, we'll figure it out! As long as we're together. I begged him. Anything was better than staying here with Pan. He reminded me off a wild animal. Any little wrong move and he would be set off.

No, Ava. Sam said with a hard and serious face. I guess he was right. I mean, leaving the camp would be like breaking out of your cell with no way out of the prison.

What did Pan say to you today? I found his gaze and held it. He bit his lip and looked away.

I can't tell you. Please, Ava. Just let it go. he said, begging with his eyes. I nodded.

I think you should go back to your tent. Sam said. I nodded again and quickly and quietly went back to my tent.
I was eating my breakfast when Pan came up behind me and grabbed my arm. My eyes shot daggers at him. He yanked me to my feet and gave me an identical glare.

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