New Arrival

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Here it is! The long anticipated chapter to answer all your questions. Thanks for being so patient and to all of you who commented and gave me ideas! You guys are the best! The majority voted Storybrooke so there you have it. I have thrown in some twists though, as you can see by the uploaded picture. *maniacal laughter*. Well, I'm gonna shut up so you can read. Enjoy!

Beep! Beep! Beep! The obnoxious noise rang through my ears like a foghorn. I groaned and slammed my hand down on the snooze button of my alarm clock. My head fell back on the pillow, my face buried in the soft material. A few minutes of blissful sleep passed, then I heard my bedroom door creak open.

"Come on, Ava. Wake up." The familiar male voice called. I groaned again, peeling my eyes open. I gathered my force of will and dragged myself out of bed. My feet collided with the warm wood floor. I yawned as I looked around my room. The wallpaper was a soft blue, and the curtains hanging over the tall windows were a gauzy white lace. The room was simple. The bedspread was a plain white, and a crowded bookshelf was against the wall. I crossed over to my dresser and changed into a pair jeans and a black sweater. After throwing my hair up into a ponytail, I entered the living room. The apartment was a relatively small one, considering it only housed two people. The living room was connected to a large kitchen, which was fully equipped with the latest appliances. The area was painted the same soft blue as the shade in my bedroom. I entered the bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and face. As I entered the living room again, I saw him shrugging on his jacket. His ruffled black hair was still messy from sleep and his bright blue eyes met mine. He smiled with slightly crooked teeth. I smiled warmly at him. I slipped on my brown leather jacket and wound my scarf around my neck. He snaked an arm around my waist and planted a kiss on my check.

"Ready to go?" Aaron asked. I intertwined our hands.

"Yup." I said, looking up at him with a smile. We left the apartment and walked down the rain slick sidewalk. The sky was gloomy and the air was crisp. We walked with our hands clasped to Granny's Diner. We entered the restaurant and sat at the familiar table against the window. Ruby, one of the waitresses, came and took our order. Even though she knew what we would get. Aaron and I have been coming to Granny's Diner every morning for the long as I can remember. To be honest, neither of us were good cooks. We have been dating long as I can remember. A few tables from ours, I saw the mayor's assistant, Peter Panrell. He was wearing jeans and a black shirt under a brown jacket, his wavy brown hair swept to the side. Wow, he is attractive, I thought. He was reading a strange looking book, with intricate designs on the cover. His deep green eyes looked up and met mine, locking onto my gaze. He held my stare for a few seconds, and I found it difficult to look away. I finally ripped my eyes from his face as Aaron snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Ava? Are you still here?" He asked. I turned my attention back to him.

"Oh, sorry." I mumbled. He smiled.

"Off in your own world again." He muttered, raising his coffee cup to his lips. I smiled absentmindedly as I cut into my pancakes. We talked about the few things that happened in the small town, Storybrooke was a quiet place. Apparently, the mayor Regina Mills was putting police watches on the town border. Nobody could leave the town without showing their ID. Not that anybody ever left town in the first place. I couldn't help thinking back to Peter Panrell. At every political event, he was always at the mayor's side. Whispering in her ear. I wondered how much of an influence he had on the mayors decisions. Aaron smiled suddenly, reaching his hand over the table to grasp mine.

"It's almost our anniversary." He said. I beamed back at him.

"I know." I replied. Neither of us knew how long we had been dating, but we did know the day our anniversary was on and we celebrated it regardless.

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