Haunted Dreams

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I sat next to Sam, mechanically chewing my eggs. I couldn't get last night out of my head. Pan couldn't have been being considerate. No, there had to be a catch. But what was he after?

"Ava, are you still with us?" Sam's voice brought me back to reality. I realized that Bae had walked over a was now sitting next to me.

"Oh, hi Bae." I said.

"Sam, this is Baelfire. Baelfire, this is Sam." I said. They shook hands. I saw Pan stomping out of his tent from the corner of my eye. Yup, he was back. As angry and intimidating as ever. He went straight over to Felix and they exchanged hushed comments. Then Pan disappeared into the jungle.

When Pan had come back to camp, he announced that there was to be a fight today. This can't be good. Everyone gathered into a semicircle and sat on the dirt. Pan and Felix stood in front of us.

"The challenger will be fighting Felix." Pan said. Pan scanned the crowd.

"Who should it be?" Pan mused.

"Ava." he said finally, with a smirk. What?! Me fight Felix! Felix was a head taller than me and was much stronger. To pick a fight with him is practically asking to be beaten to a pulp! Why was Pan doing this? To make a point to me? To show me that last night was a mistake? I couldn't refuse, so I got up and walked to the front. Felix had a wicked grin spread across his narrow face. He knows he's going to win. I tucked loose strands of hair that had escaped my braid behind my ear. We both got into a fighting stance, and Pan signalled for my beating to begin.

Felix sprang towards me, throwing a punch. I blocked it just in time. Another punch connected with my jaw, and he kicked me in the stomach. The wind was knocked out of me and I gasped. He kicked me in the knee and I sunk to the ground. He laughed. I swept my leg into his ankles, tripping him. I jumped on top of him and soon we were wrestling. Somehow I managed to sit on him and my hand wrapped around his throat, cutting off his air supply. He coughed and gasped. His face began to turn purple, and he pushed me off him. We both scrambled to our feet. The next few seconds were a flurry of fists and feet. Felix punched and kicked me many, many times. Mostly in the face, put plenty of times in the stomach and legs. With blood leaking from my nose, a split lip, and bruises already forming everywhere, I collapsed to the ground. Simply too weak to take any more.

"Felix is the winner!" I heard Pan say. Baelfire and Sam quickly ran over. They put my arms around their shoulders and dragged me back to my tent. I sat on my cot and cleaned the blood from my face.

"That little demon. Who does he think he is?!" Baelfire ranted, referring to Pan.

"Don't talk that way around him." I warned.

"I'm not scared of him. And I have every right to be angry. Look what he did to you!" Bae said.

"Felix did it." I corrected him.

"Because Pan told him to." I couldn't argue with that. I sighed.

"I have to get Sam out of here." I whispered to myself.

Everyone was eating dinner. Ava was sitting next to Baelfire. Ava had a split lip and had bruises all over her face. I felt slightly bad about what I did to her. But I had to make her believe that last night had meant nothing. And pain was the best persuader.

Sometime into the night, I was thinking about her again. I knew I shouldn't feel the way I did, but I wanted her. And who said I couldn't have her? I'm Peter Pan, and Peter Pan takes what he wants when he wants. I don't have any weaknesses, I only have people who make me stronger.

I was in a glass box. Everything around me was pitch black. Then a spotlight lit up the person standing just outside my box. It was Pan. He was expressionless. He stood there for a while, just starting at me. Then he began circling my box. Walking around it while studying me. Like I was a rare specimen in a museum. His eyes ran up and down my body. He finally stopped in front of my display case. I put my hands on the surface of the glass.

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