Where we are now

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8 years later...

My heart pounded in time with the rhythm of the hoof beats on the soft forest floor. My hair hung loose, traveling behind me in a black wave, like a triumphant victory flag.

 I would win this race.

"Faster, if you can manage." I whispered in the horse's ear. Reaper sped up at my command. I laughed, leaning closer to my steed, feeling the adrenalin course through me like wind in a field. I felt the muscles of my horse coil and retract. We rode with no saddles, Gabriel and I. Not today, today we rode for speed and-of course- to see who would win. Reaper and I blazed passed the agreed ending point, and I let out a victory yell. I urged my horse to stop, bringing him round ( or rather him bring me around, the horse, just like it's master was stubborn and cheeky) to face the ending point, just as Gabriel entered the clearing on his horse.

He scowled at me, bringing his horse to a stop.

"How in God's name do you do that?" He asked in a slightly breathless voice. I shook out my hair and smiled secretively.

"Ahh, but if I told you my secrets, I wouldn't have the air of mystery, and how would I keep your attention then, Gabriel?" He let out a laugh and slid off his horse. He came to stand beside me. He turned his blue eyes upon me. Those eyes that had enchanted every girl to pass by.

"You could never loose my attention." A wicked grin sliding on his lips. I gave a sophisticated nod.

"Yes, I must always keep you on your-" With that I launched myself at him, slamming him to the ground. He let out a 'oof' then quickly regained his breath. He flipped me onto my back, pinning my arms to the ground by my head.

"Back? You must always keep me on my back, hmm? It seems that you are mistak-" He was cut off by my knee to the ribs. I laughed and pushed him down.

"No, I believe you are." I smiled.  I stood and turned away from him, to the river down the hill to the right. He came up behind me, grabbing me around my waist. I twisted away, making him loose his balance, but not his grip. We tumbled down the hill, arms still slung around each other, laughing all the while. I felt the sharp rocks, then the icy water surrounding me. I found the bottom and stood, looking for Gabriel. He grabbed me from behind.

"I've got you now, my little Cinders-Ella." He said. I spun, frowning at that God-awful nickname, just as he slapped mud into my face. I gasped. He busted out in a loud fit of laughter, as I wiped the sludge from my eyes.

"Oh you little!" I yelled bending down to get some of the mud from the river bottom. I slung it at him, feeling triumph in the brown dots splattered all over his fancy shirt front. His blue eyes widened, and his mouth slimmed into a hard line. I slung another handful at him, laughing. He dove towards me catching me and bringing me under the water. We wrestled for a minute, then stood apart, regaining our breaths.

"You. Could NEVER. Loose my attention." He said again, between breaths. I laughed and threw my head back to feel the sun.

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A short time later we sat on the river bank, sitting in the midday sun to dry the water off. Gabriel was laying in the grass beside me, hands crossed behind his head. He sighed contently.

"I'm going to miss this." I frowned in confusion, turning to him.

"What do you mean?" I said swiping a piece of grass away from my face. I put my head on my arm looking at him. He turned to me, a serious look on his face.

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