Part 10 - "Once upon a time..."

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Gustavo got off me. "May we help you?" I said mimicking Gwen from before. "I told you to stay away from Gus." She said and her little posse came up behind. "Since when do I ever listen to people. I'll do what ever I want," I said standing up. "Or you'll do who ever you want," Sienna said smiling. Gustavo was smiling really big. "See, your 'boyfriend' wants me to do him. Do you see how big he is smiling?" I said putting air quotes around 'boyfriend'. Sienna stepped closer, and in my face. "He would never cheat on me." She said and I threw my hands in the air. "You and him broke up. Get that through your head." I said to her. "We will be back together soon enough." She said and walked away.

I just plopped onto the chair. "I'm so sick of drama." I said and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, I felt a heavy weight pile on me. I opened my eyes, and Gustavo was 2 inches away from my face. "Dude. You scared me," I said laughing. "Sorry about her. I guess I'll have to talk to her later," he said and brushed a piece of my hair out of my eyes. "You know, you have beautiful eyes," he said smirking. "Thanks. You too. I wish I had your eyes. Yours are bright mine are dull," I said smiling at him. "Your eyes aren't dull. They are bright and beautiful." He said smiling and I just blushed. He took one of his hands and slid it around my neck. We both started leaning in and before I knew it, we were kissing. It was perfect. When the two of us pulled away from each other, we both had on a huge smile. "Lacey, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me still smiling. My smile faded. "Uh oh. Did I do something wrong?" He asked getting off of me. "No it's just. I want to say yes. But do you see the girls around you? They always attack you. You're the popular guy. I'm the nobody girl. We don't fit," I said looking down. "I promise you. I won't get caught up with those girls. You aren't a nobody. Not even close. You're amazing Lacey. Please. Be my girlfriend?" He asked again. I smiled.


He 'tackled' me again and gave me a kiss. "What?!?!" I heard. We pulled away and saw Gwen staring at us with a huge smile. "Gwen!!" I yelled. She ran over and took my hand and pulled me, making Gus fall on the floor. "Sorry Gus!!!" Gwen yelled pulling me away. Gustavo just laughed. "What could you possibly want?!" I said smiling. "Details," she said.

I explained everything to her. I ended smiling with, "Dude. It's like I'm living a fairytale."

"AWWWW!!" She yelled. "No need to make me deaf," I said laughing. "Ok, but everyone has to come inside. It's supposed to storm really bad. Possibly even Tornado." I got up and nodded.

I walked back over to Gus. "We have to go inside. It's supposed to storm." I said and took his hand. "We are either playing truth or dare or seven minutes in heaven." Gwen said walking inside. The majority of people picked seven minutes in heaven. While people were in the closet, everyone listened to music. "Lacey and Josh next!"

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