The Letter

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This was it. I finally received my Hogwarts letter.

After a while, I thought I would never be accepted to possibly the best school on the planet. I have been anticipating this moment for three years. Because ever since my brother James stepped through the wall at the train station and boarded the Hogwarts train at Platform 9 3/4, I have been desperate to get into that school.

I have schemed, tried to shrink myself to fit into Albus's trunk, anything really. James always tried to help me, he would always say it's not the same there without his scheming little sister. I'm kind of like his sidekick since I haven't actually learned any magic yet and it always seemed that James knew every curse, countercurse and charm a third year could know. But my other brother Albus, was always the smart, sensible one. He would always warn us we'd get into trouble. And we always did, but it was worth it. My thoughts were interrupted by James bounding down the stairs, skidding into the kitchen.

"Did she get it? Did she finally get her letter?" James exclaimed.

"Yep" I said proudly, handing it to him.

"Wow, Lil! And it's actually real!"

I almost laughed out loud thinking of the time last year James tried to make a fake letter for me and hope our parents would fall for it.

Just then, Albus entered the kitchen and asked "Is Ted Lupin coming tonight for dinner?"

I had almost forgotten, Ted came over for dinner 4 times a week, we're basically family to him. My father was his Godfather, but Ted was raised by his Grandmother, due to both his parents dying in the Battle of Hogwarts. It was such a shame, by the way everyone described them they were very interesting people.

A while back I had overheard a conversation about this, and I wondered if it was all true. I asked James and he said it was, but not to go around telling people because it was very personal to Ted.

I always loved having Ted over for dinner.

And I couldn't wait to tell him about the letter.

Lily Luna PotterWhere stories live. Discover now