Chapter 24

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Author's note: This chapter will start to get quite visceral, both graphically and emotionally.

Serena sat slumped on her stool, weak with relief as she sensed the departure of Daniel's looming pressence. Her shoulders hunched forward, curling up upon herself. Trying to make herself as small as possible, as if trying to hide inside herself. It was protective measure, a way to seal herself away from his leering stare. She was so shaken she could hardly process a simple thought. Her chest hurt so much she could barely take in air. Her eyes stung with tears of indignation at what she had allowed Daniel to do to her. Her pulse was ratcheted up to high all she could hear was a dull roar in her ears. Was having to endure that horrible man some kind of cosmic punishment? Why could he not just leave her alone!

Feeling degraded, mocked and just plain dirty after Daniels assault. Her skin was still crawling with the residual creepy feelings of his unwanted hands upon her skin. Touching her against her will, in the most embarrassing of places. His forced kisses upon her unwilling flesh. He had taken from her with out an ounce of remorse. Claimed her lips, her body like some kind of possession. While she sat there and endured it, unwilling to defend herself. Rage ate at her, it was an acid boiling deep inside her very soul. Angry at how passive she had been, how easily her fear of him made her cower, giving him even more power over her. She had been unable to prevent his forced advances upon her body. She had been trapped in the iron grip of his embrace, her pathetic struggles were laughable. That sens of utter helplessness, of being slowly consumed by her terror of what more he might do to her, was the worst kind of horror to endure. She couldn't look up, couldn't bear even a glimpse of the smug, self satisfied smile that might grace his cruel face. He had easily over powered her and gotten what he wanted. Staring dimly focused on her fingers, picking nervously at the front skirts. Pulling and adjusting the short hem. As if attempting to hide more of herself with the flimsy material. The dress she had once been so proud of, feeling confident and sexy for her Mamoru. Was now making her feel naked, laid bare before her tormentor. Shame crowded her heart. Her face was blushing hot with unfocused rage and embarrassment.

She wanted nothing more then to crawl into a hole and die! Holding her lips tight fighting not to cry. She bit down on her lower lip until she drew blood. A slight shiver went up her back, as her whole body began feeling cold as ice. With the terrifying encounter finished and Daniels overwhelming pressence now fading away. She had nothing left and a low whimper escaped her tight lips. Taking one long breath after another, willing herself to stay calm as she listened anxiously. To his dress shoes clipped beats fading away upon the stages wooden floor.

High above the stage, hiding deep within the dusty shadows of the rafters. Four sets of eyes had surveyed the assault with mild interest.

"So that pathetic little coward is the Sanctity Genesis?" A husky girls voice harrumphed, dark green eyes slowly narrowing. Completely disappointed by what she was seeing. This weak, simpering coward couldn't possibly be the untouchable destroyer they had heard so much about. She was neither fierce or scary like the avenging angel she was supposed to be? She was nothing but a scared, shivering little bunny rabbit.

Crouching in the darkness on a metal beam, only a few features of the mysterious voyeur could be seen. Heavy brown leather boots, with long deep green leather pants. A black halter top that covered just blossoming breasts and long dark green hair braided into small whip like strands, twisted around the top of her head and up into a long top knot. The braids curved upward, defying gravity. With two long braids hanging low to frame her tough looking pre teen face. She braced her arms over her raised knees, glaring unimpressed at Usagi's pathetic wallowing on the stool below.

"Jun..." A soft sweet voice called to her from nearby. "I agree with you, she is kinda weak?" Her tone was sad and disillusioned.

Jun turned up from staring downward in disgust, to regard her companion and sister. An elegant young girl of the same age, sitting further down the metal beam. White ballet flats adorning her petite feet, with pink leather pants that were stitched up the sides. With a black matching halter top as her sister's, her strawberry pink hair was twisted up in the same whip like braids, forming two hoops on either side of her pretty face. With two long braids descending down on either side at the back of her head, adorned by two large frilly pink bows. Giving her a sweet gentle appeal, hiding the truly dangerous quality to her personality. She had a fake sunny disposition usually, but tonight she was all business. Sitting primely with her back straight and legs crossed staring piteously down at Usagi.

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