Chapter 15

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Monday 8:50 am

"Just put it on Chad!" Darien shouted near the end of his patience, the man had been whining about the colour he got stuck with for the last twenty minutes and it was almost show time. Leaning out of the back cab of his truck, having tossed his hoody inside. Leaving him in only a pair of baggy dark blue jeans and a black button up short sleeve shirt. The chill October wind howling around the parking lot, springing goose flesh over his bare arms.

" do I get the pink one?" Chad continued leaning defeatedly over the box of Darien's truck fingering his new skimpy garment with distain. The broad well muscled young man, threw his cowboy hat into the box with disgust. The cold wind whipping through the back of his loose white button up shirt, he ignored the cold tingling against his skin. Rolling up his sleeves till they reached his elbows, then pulling the loose shirt back down over the waist of his jeans in irritation. Before resuming his brooding position against the truck. He was a ranch hand, a real cowboy. Had spent his whole life helping his father and grandfather work the land and raise cattle. Carried himself as a strong man, he had ethics and pride all beat into him by his father and grandfather about what made a man, a man! He could ride a horse to hell and back, could work rope like a pro, could take down a rampaging steer with his bare hands! He wasn't a poser like these city Daniel. He was a mans, man for Christs sakes! And now he had to wear pink! How was he ever going to live this day down. Grinding the toe of his dark brown cowboy boot, he had braced on top of the trucks back tire. He cursed, then ducked his head spiting on the pavement in frustration. As he nervously swiped a hand through his unruly thick brunette bangs, that always seemed to fall over his eyes, his long hair a wild mane over his shoulders.

"We all drew straws with the colours on it and that was the one you chose, so man up about it!" Andrew groused, crouching in the box and digging into the black felt grocery bag that held their outfits. Ever the jester he was in a pair of shiny silver track pants and a yellow happy face t-shirt that spotted a bloody bullet hole in it's head. He thought this shirt was fitting to today's affair.

"It's not pink's salmon." Melvin explained, tossing his fedora into the open cab of Darien's truck. He had been welcomed into the fold last week, now he was preparing for the first prank of hell week with the rest of Darien's soldiers. The parking lot had been cleared since home room bell was bout to toll in less then a minute. Mel quickly pulling down his grey and black checker board dress pants, as Andrew tossed him his bright green thong. His white t-shirt soon followed, leaving the pasty looking young man standing in nothing but his tighty whiteys. Resembling a skinny almost boney physic compared to the sturdy, well muscled football player's surrounding him. Andrew was lean and tall but still athletic in build. The largest muscle Melvin owned was his brain and he was proud of that.

"Alright guys make sure to stay in contact with one another when you enter the halls. " Greg's voice called out to them, as he crossed the parking lot with Yaten. Both boys had opted for loose clothing easy to shed and pull back on quickly. Greg in black sweats and a white t-shirt and Yaten in red track pants and t-shirt with a matching red hoody. His long silvery blonde pony tail now twisted on top of his head in a large emasculating bun.

Greg tossed each man a tiny walkie talkie strung on a thin black rope. "Alright Melvin's friend who does the school announcements in the morning got the song. He is going to play it right in the middle of his report today. So we got..." Greg glanced at his wrist watch, his eyes flying wide in alarm. "Less then three minutes to change...holy shit!" He dashed across the last of the distance pulling his shirt over his head. Yaten was already hoping out of his pants, as Andrew dug and tossed the small group their outfits franticly.

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