Chapter 22

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Author's note: If you haven't noticed...I change Usagi to Serena when ever a character that does not know who she really is appears. Ie: Mina or far. No ones gotten confused by this so great!

Just thought I should note it.

Snow was falling lightly as Darien parked the truck in the nearly empty parking lot before the small, privately owned grocery store in Elysian Village. It was blanketing the ground and melting instantly into a chilly, icy slush. With the sun fading and evening falling, dropping the temperature several degree's and making the air frigid and damp. The roads were becoming slippery and travel more dangerous. Darien was thankful that they were so close to home. The grocery store was of an older design with a round arching awning over the double sets of front glass doors. Sitting dead centre in the large, surrounding parking lot. Like a giant square monolith of a lost era. Looking like something built perhaps in the nineteen fifties. The building was blockish and made of molded concrete, squat and so prefabricated. It had absolutely not personal character. With glowing red letter's in a elegant scrawl sitting just below the awning. Giving the overly cold style of the building a soft appeal. The lettering formed the name 'Lucky' with smaller black letters that didn't light up spelling Supermarket just underneath.

Usagi clasped the collar of her bomber jacket tightly against her neck, as she flipped her hood up. Mentally preparing herself for the cold stormy weather outside. Wanting to shield herself and retain some heat from the blowing sleet outside. Hunching her shoulders firmly, she then dashed out of the truck. Tearing for all that she was worth across the cement towards the warm and inviting sliding doors of the supermarket.

Darien had yet to dress warmly and refused to till at least the middle of November. Flipping the cotton hood of his dark hoody up over his head he followed after his swiftly departing girlfriend. While Shingo took up the rear, in his fluffy sky blue winter jacket. That Darien had dug out for him that morning from his old clothes. The weather had been growing frigid and his hoody just was't going to cut it any longer. Darien hadn't fit into that jacket since he was about thirteen. But had strangely hung onto it and had it stashed in a box. With a few other boxes of memento's in the Apartments shared cellar. It was several sizes to big, hanging a bit loose around Shingo's neck and shoulder's. But it would do in a pinch until they could get him a jacket that fit.

The two boys found Usagi inside the front doors, hopping on the balls of her feet, hands stuffed into her jacket pockets, hood still up. As she stood under the heat of the overhead fans in the front alcove before the main store. Basking in the warm wind rushing in a tornado down upon her. Attempting to ward of the shiver's now coursing through her slender body.

"I hate this kind of weather, all I want to do is curl up under and blanket and hibernate till spring." She commented with a shudder.

Darien massaged her shoulder's lovingly, brushing his hands down to rub soothingly up and down her arms. Seeking to warm her and chase away the chill that had spread through her body. "We'll be home soon then I'll snuggle you under those blankets on the couch till your nice and toasty." he offered with a smile.

"That sounds wonderful, Mamo-chan." She sighed wistfully, as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, tucking her securely to his side. As they walked into the store threw the automatic doors. She leaned her head sweetly against his shoulder enjoying his warmth.

"Of course we will be doing our math homework as well." He added with a laugh, as she groaned.

Shingo took up the rear, poking his finger in his opened mouth making gagging sounds at their lovey moment.

"Sammy, that is a cart not a skate board!" Usagi shouted for the hundredth time. As her brother braced one foot on the bottom trolley, pushing with his other dark blue high top sneaker like it was a scooter. Then when he had picked up enough speed, he lifted his other foot up and hung over the handles, gripping the buckets red plastic trim. Careening down the wide front aisle at top speed, in the wrong direction.

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