Chapter 17

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Serena awoke to the dull grey light of morning, falling sombrely upon her face. Through the small unassuming window that overlooked her bed. She looked sluggishly at the cracked white wall adjacent to her bed, from her curled position beneath her fluffy blue bunny comforter. The day had yet to register upon her slowly waking mind, the sunlight had been slowly fading as late october had taken hold. It was getting harder and harder to drag herself out of the comforting warmth of her soft bed. The cooling weather taunting silently that winter was only mere weeks away, she hated the cold, dreaded the coming snow. It was the worst thing about being stuck in America, the months upon months of sunless, frigid weather that tried to suck the very life from you.

Then her blurry vision fell upon her bulging pink checker board backpack leaning up against her old wooden dresser, set beside her simple wooden cot. With a cry of glee she cast her blanket aside, scrambling out of the warmth and into the chilled room. Dancing and hopping around as her warm feet found the cold surface of the hard wood. In less then five minutes she was rushing out her room, dressed in her grey and black plaid layered skirt. With a smart looking white blouse untucked around her waist, that had a low revealing collar. The modest swells of her breasts, peeking out between the slightly open gap. A pair of sharp white thigh high stocking hugged her legs. Her long golden main fluttering behind her as she bolted into the bathroom just down the hall.

Emmett heard the thundering of her footsteps, ducking his sleepy, barely alert face into the hall from the kitchen ahead. His dull brown hair tousled up from sleeping in the living rooms lounge chair. A piece of toast hanging from his lips, dressed in nothing but a pair of dull army green sleep pants. His large barrel chest with it smattering of wiry blonde hair on display for all to see.

"She is always just a human cyclone in the mornings...seriously." He muttered disdainfully around his toast, retreating back to the dinning room. That was set on the back end of the bungalow wanting to be safe and stay out of hurricane Serena's way.

When she returned to her room several minutes later, her hair was now in its proper hair style of buns and tails. Looking like the poster child for innocent adorable school girl, which was the appeal she was wanting for today.

She found Bella sitting calmly upon her rumpled bed, waiting for her. The strawberry blonde had her hair hanging low over her shoulder's. Already dressed in a black pants suit with a soft pink silk shirt beneath.

"Yes?" Serena inquired, moving franticly about her room making sure she didn't forget anything. Finding her barrettes on top of her dresser she quickly jabbed them into her hair. She would always keep her promise to the agents, at least to some extent. She had plans when the bus got back tomorrow, she was going to make a detour back to their camper for her own investigation. When she was done she would head back to Cross Roads and call the agents to pick her up. Which meant losing her barrettes on this trip, so they couldn't track her back to the camper. Hopefully she would be able to convince them that losing the hair pieces was an accident. She already had a cover story made up for Bella, that she been rushed out of the hotel and that they must have fallen out of her bag. That she had taken off with friends when they got back. Delaying Bella who would be following the bus, and wondering why her charge wasn't at the school when she arrived. But all that was for later on saturday, she would worry about that then. Right now she was going to enjoy friday for what it was.

"Well, I thought perhaps we need to have a little chat before you head off on the bus. " Bella started, brushing some of her long strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder. The late twenty something agent sat with her legs crossed, looking far to old and serious for her own taste. She sat stiffly, waiting patiently for Serena to sit down beside her on the bed.

Simple SweetnessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang