Chapter 12

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Joe sprints towards snart in fury, after seeing what he done to his father.

"You'll pay for that, and for what you done to Ollie" he says as his eyes flare up.

Alongside him comes rosh and Maria.

The trio were all in their costumes. Joe wore a blue suit similar to his father's old suit with red highlights however he also had a red cape matching his mother's.

Maria wore a brighter shade of green to her father showing more skin as well to maintain movement whilst fighting sacrificing armour.

Rosh stepped out in his blue suit a different shade to Joe's it had black outlines.

The 3 stared across to captain cold as Joe rushed at him.


Joe walked into Maria's room, knocking on the door.

He saw her sob.

He deducted that she was watching the broadcast of the battle outside and seen her father's demise and the sticky situation.

"Maria..." He said to her as he sat down pulling her close.

The tears stopped as she hugged into him

He knew what he had to do for not just her but her city and his own.

"Your right you should've been there... But so should I of. Me more than Any one? I could possibly of stopped it before it begun with one hit. Did I? No. In hindsight it was blatant mistake.. But does that mean we can't work towards fixing it? Hell no. I'm going out there I'm fighting back and it's up to you if you come too he said as he reaches out his hand "Are you with me?".

She took his hand hugging him before giving him a peck on the cheek.
"I'm going to try and avenge my father, maybe afterwards I can fight for something else."

Joe and Maria stood up. Walking towards the breach room created by Cisco.

"Are you two Love birds leaving? Because I'm coming too" Rosh said appearing.


Joe ran after him, particles building around his fist due to the sheer force and speed as his fist was stopped by the gauntlet snart wore. "I don't like being hit he said as he fired a sub zero  blast dead on his face.

Barry watched tramautasied as Joe yelled in pain.
"Let him go he's innocent! Kill me!"

An arrow was fired, hitting the gauntlet holding Barry, as Maria ran towards snart sliding across the ground hoping to lose his footing.

"I've lost a father today; I'm not letting Joe lose one like you and I did" Maria said.

Joe recovered as he signalled to Rosh.

Joe ran around snart, creating time remanants to distract him.

Rosh ran to the power grid nearby taking in energy (Like what Barry grid in A.R.G.U.S in 4x22).
Rosh quickly ran back to Joe and his time remanants as he took one of their hands, as they did with each other as he gave them a charge.
The group of 7 ran towards snart as artemis used a rope arrow to tie his legs. Rosh quickly read his mind, snart planned to try and over load his gauntlet to take himself out so Rosh had no choice but to gesture for them to use more energy and to run faster to ensure that they reached him before hand. 7 fists connected with snarsnartr as he fell to the ground.

The time remanants vanished as Joe and Rosh ran towards Maria. Little did they know that snart attempted to stand up.

Maria saw this as she pulled her bow string back to avenge her father with a quick arrow.

Barry, who was nearby, saw this as he ran to him and killed snart himself.

He trio was gobsmacked to see Barry kill him.

"To me he's been dead for years so it's nothing."

"But you taught me not to kill" Joe said I'm responce.

"And father hood taught me that a child's mind is mire important than my own. Letting Maria kill him would rot a hero's mind...."

Sorry for the delay but thanks for reading

See ya

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