Chapter 11

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"Barry, Kara incoming!" Caitlin screams from behind the screen as she watches a stream of cold move towards them as a bulky man fires it from a gauntlet.

"Hello Allen, Mrs Allen, wheres the child? I suppose that he could better himself as a hero through his parents death."

The figure wearing a mechanized suit over a blue jacket. His arms were heavily armoured with tech appearing superior to the atom suit in armour and fire power. The suit had dull white streaks flowing down the arms surrounded by an icey blue similar in shade to an ocean.

"Snart?" Barry said in disbelief. "You should be dead. You sacrificed yourself in 2016 for the legends, for sarah" Barry remarks.

"The cold never goes Barry. That blast merely deposited me 2 decades in the future. From there I could still be at the top of my ability just with greater technology such as my new cold gauntlets." The cold voice spoke with a grin.

"I thought you turned away from crime and you found helping people better" Kara says sadly.

"Didn't want to" he replied as he shot an icey dagger from his gauntlet, catching Barry of guard as his leg froze.


Earlier at S.T.A.R LABS

"Barry felicity just contacted me informing me that the rogues are about to strike the city. All the previous criminals which we suspected are striking along side someone else..." Caitlin says with worry in her eyes.

"We'll stop them besides who can this possible be to stop the super friends" asks Cisco with confidence

One name changed the situation, snart. After that the questions and theories originated but now they knew that they'd need to come up with a greater counter.

The current plan was to use all accessible resources.

Oliver and William on the east side of central city, Diggle and Alex on the west side. Rene and dinah were positioned north opposite to where  Cisco and Ralph were. John and Kara were flying above as air support. Jesse quick and Jay Garrick came as well, Barry was surprised to see Jay but he owed Barry a favour so took time from retiring to help the closest thing that he had to a son. The two speedsters ran around the city evacuating any civilians left. The final duo was Barry and wally they took the rogues head on, or they were supposed to. Unbeknown to them was that the rogues recruited more soldiers than expected and their gear was a lot more advanced than they had thought.

Barry placed his hand against the tarmac as he pays his legs back, he sprints back as his eyes turn to Orange and lightning surges through them, up to his hair line as a lightning shape resembling the lining on his cowl. As the lightning surges he pushes forward through a seemingly endless amount of soliders, unpacking them down as his former sidekick inflicts further damage through a speed force charged cyclone, ejecting speed force lightning from the top of it. The speedsters ran straight through it with all their might.

Mid run a rogue appeared, mirror master. At the end of their circular path of criminals the rogue let lose a mirror portal transporting the speedsters into a mirror world.

The green arrow and red arrow saw reinforcements enter from their east flank, Oliver jumped to the ground pulling back his bow strong and firing explosive arrows at the grunts. As a more armoured grunt charges in with an electralised blade materialising due to the nano tech in his gauntlet, a red feathered E.M.P. arrow is fired, killing the gauntlets power allowing Oliver to disable the legs of the man with a throwing knife almost dare like arrow.

As the next wave ran forward, so did a new barrage of arrows. Above the building William was positioned on ,were numerous arrows going from explosive, to broad headed even boxing glove arrows.

As the arrows hit the floor, Oliver sees that his friend is imprisoned within the ice. To save him he sacrifices himself by firing his last frozen topped arrow similar to the first time caitlin used her powers for the team's sake.

A sharp blow connects with Oliver as he is walloped on his head as his son squeals in mourning.

After that William had enough, he had to ensure so much in life from the worries regarding his dad's evening activities to his girlfriend's death at the hands of a hitman and his mothers death on lian yu.

He rose up grabbing a handful of arrows and firing them all at the floor simultaneously creating a rather large pothole in the ground as he witnessed the coutless bodies.

William again runs forward as he brutally takes down several more men.

As Barry comes out of the alternate dimension thanks to his friends sacrifice he leaves no time for tears and instead gets back to the clean up.

The city laid over run as the other heroes fight back against this invasion like battle.  In the flashs early days this could be seen as an invasion but the modern technology of 2040 is standardied as extremely powerful.

Drones hover in equipped with powerful sonic blasts. As the one hits the Martian John jonzz, Kara the girl of steel swoops in to prevent him from crashing to the ground as he eyes flare up to lay waste to the hostile drones.

With them dealt with, she falls to the ground. Her husband speeds in to catch her.

"He's dead" he says to her as he refers to Oliver.

"I don't know how he couldsurvive so long. He does numerous times but always came back to continue his crusade." Kara says as she hugs her husband feel empathetic for his loss.

Before this was just business, but now there was a fatality, the rogues hurt some one Barry cared about. Now, this is war.

Barry speeds towards captain cold enraged as a foot of tarmac burns instantaneously due to the mass amount of friction running against it. Alongside his trail there was now a blazing fire matching his heart.


As Barry lays with his leg frozen; a breach opens.

"I'm right here!" A boy says as several more silhouettes depart from the breach..

Wow over 1k words I worked hard on this chapter hope you enjoyed and there's some great things to come..


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