1. Sold to the Billionaire

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I look up at my cruel step mother, tears streaming down my face. "I can't believe you've done this!" I screamed at her.

She smiled from ear to ear. I can't believe she just sold me. I didn't even have my own right to marriage.

"Who is it?" I ask, wondering what my soon to be husband looked like. I figured he wouldn't look that good, because he had to buy someone in order to get married.

"Mr. Antonio Romano." She said smiling.

"Antonio Romano." I whispered. I liked the way his name sounded. Tasting so sweet on my lips. I loved the way my tongue pressed against the roof of my mouth when I said the N's. Antonio Romano was a great name.

I looked at my step mother who was still smiling after she sold me for a hundred thousand dollars.

"I guess I'll see you." I said, waving a goodbye.

Step mother laughed. "No you won't." Even though she treated me like absolute shiz over the past year, I still loved her.

I heard a limousine pull up to our house. I guess this is it.

I walked over to the limo and out stepped a sharply dressed man with wispy, white hair. He looked at me with his chocolate brown orbs and motioned for me to step inside the door he was holding open.

I went inside the door with a wide smile, despite crying for a few hours.

"Here you go miss." He said.

"Please, call me Samantha. Thank you for opening the door!" I said cheerfully. The old limo driver looked confused for a moment.

"No one has ever said thank you to me in my life!" He said. "Thank you, Samantha."

I smiled. "Please, call me Sammy." He nodded and closed the door. He got back inside the car and started driving me.

A few minutes later, we arrived at a huge house or mansion rather. The car stopped.

"Here you are, Sammy. I wish you the best." He said.

I smiled my thanks. "Please, call me Manny Mantha."

His eyebrows furrowed. "But you just told me to call you-"

"Have a nice day!" I cut him off. He sighed and got out of the car to open the door for me.

I got out of the car and was about to start walking to the mansion when I felt his hand touch my shoulder gently.

"I have to warn you about Mr. Romano. He could be a little... demanding." I smiled and took his warning gratefully.

I walked to the mansion and closed the door. It was huge. "Hello?" I said, my voice echoing through the walls.

I heard the clicking of dress shoes slowly getting louder. After a few seconds, I saw a tall man that was sharply dressed come and stand right in front of me.

I took the moment to creepily and not so discretely look over his features. His neat, black hair sat neatly on top of his head, slicked back and shiny. I looked into his intimidating green orbs. They were so beautiful, like oh my gosh.

Wait, I will never fall in love with him because he bought me and destroyed my life. I will never forgive him.

He smirked at me because I was checking him out. My cheeks blushed dark red and I looked away from his orbs and down to my shoes.

"My name is Antonio Romano, but you can call me, the man of your dreams." He said.

I immediately fell for his charm, but I wouldn't let him see that.

"Ew loser. I won't like you in a million years." I knew that was a lie because when I went to bed that night in the big, comfy room, I couldn't stop thinking of the green orbs that searched my eyes for my story. The way the smirk glossed across his lips, the way his eyebrows furrowed after I said eww.

Antonio Romano was unforgettable.

I woke up the next morning in the comfy bed. I forgot where I was for a moment and then the memories of yesterday came flowing back to me.

I actually think I love Antonio, because of the way he looked at me. I knew I was going to marry him. He's the man of my dreams.

"Antonio!" I said, running after him as he ate his French toast.

"What?" He said, a little annoyed with a piece of toast dangling from his lips. Cute, I thought.

"I um..." I started. I couldn't get the words out, I was so nervous. I took a deep breath, my face turning hot as his mysterious green orbs stared intently at me.  It's now or never.

"I LOVE YOU" I said, face turning pink.

A smirk glazed his face. "I thought you'd never say that." His husky and raspy voice made shivers go through my spine.

My breathing quickened. I died a sad, and lonely death with me in Antonio Romano's arms. I don't know why he made shivers go though my spine, but the doctors said it was a serious medical condition that resulted in almost instant death.

It's called Shiverhuskyraspyvoice instantaneous death syndrome that can only occur in Wattpad stories.

Oh well. I guess I never did get to marry him.

I was sold to the billionaire, and I can now say that I don't regret it. (Actually I can't say that because I'm dead. Whoops! 😬)

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