Affair of 2016: Sorry is never enough

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P: What kind of woman is Emma Period? April can answer that question.


P: She is very KNOWLEDGEABLE to answer that question. She knows what kind of person She really is.

A: I'll tell you-

Emmaa runs out

Paul leaves the ring leaving April alone w/ her

Emma starts to run after but A stops her

A: What? Are you gonna hit me?

E:. :/

A: How could you, Huh?


A: How dare you lie to me! You told me I was the only woman for you!

E:: ??

C: Now i hear that you're w/ another woman?!


C: you're just gonna shrug at me!?

* rolls eyes*

C: You're such a bitch!

Commentary: Whoa now.

C: I never cared about your past. Or your flaws

Flaws? You're lying now.

She wasn't heard by others.


E: Whatever.

One foot out

A: Marissa-


A: I hope your watching. I'm sorry you had to find out like this. I didn't- I mean yes i knew she was married, but that didn't seem to stop HER from sleeping w/ ME!

*Crowd reaction*

Emma looked shocked

E: O my god.

A 2 Em: YOUR wife slept w/ me. Not giving a DAMN about your marriage! Just how many other women have you slept w/ lately?!


R: *sigh* Thanks for coming.

*closes door*

Th person walks by me w/ a smile

I don't like being in the unknown

Em: What is it?

R: Business.

Em: What kind?

R:....... My business.

I push

em: OUR. Business.

R: No. No it isn't


Em: Let me in! Why are you hiding things from me!?

R: You wouldn't last long in this.

'Sorry about that woman. So annoying.'

Em: Love you 2.😔

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