Emma's Feelings For Marissa

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Oh, God.Not again. Why can't you control yourself?

R: Em, is that you?

She asked from above

Em: Uh, yeah, it's me.

R:Is everything OK?

Yeah, I just - I'll be up in a minute.


>Dat afternoon

R: what are you doing?

Oh. Hi.I was just washing some things. I'm washing them with some fabric softener.They were so itchy I couldn't sleep, which is why I was downstairs when you asked me if I was OK and I said I-

R: Babe.

[when she calls me that..]

R: Are u ok?

[She onto me] Fi-

R: I sugest you don't lie to me.

Nothing. I just-

Her phone rings

R: Smith. Yeah. On my way.

She hangs up

R: this isn't over.

She heads out

>I went to seek pro help

-Tell me about Marissa

Well, she's a fantastic woman.She's compassionate and charming, attractive.Well, stunning really.I guess you could say I really -

Love her?

No! of course not! Me and Her? No!

I kept denying the truth

Come on, she's my ex hubands best friend's wife.

- Mm-hm.

Look, I love her but I'm not IN love with her.

Mm-hm.Who are you trying to convince, Emma,me or you?


-Come back if u need 2.

>The next day

Rissa's laying on the couch

I didn't know she was sleeping

I woke her by mistake

R: Hey, you.

Sorry. I didn't meant to-

R:Come lay with me.

Oh, OK.

I made it so not much of my weight's on her

My ear on her chest

I hear her heart

Her hand smooths my hair


>>>> 5 month later

E:I was just making sure b4 i asked. Um Would you maybe... go out with me sometime?

Rissa thinks on it

R: Sure.

E: Wait really?

R: Yea.

E: YES! I mean... cool

Rissa laughs a bit

I asked Crystal for advice on what to do for my first date [in years]

An hour later

C: -is better than asking 'whati if' forever.

R: *Nods* True. Sorry i pulled u away from work.

C: Friendships last longer than the show. Let me know how it goes.

R: I will thanks again.

She smiles leaving

I smooth my hair in the mirror

[Ding Dong]

R: One second!

R:Inhales, Exhales

I opened the door

OMG, she's SUCH a sight!

Em: Marissa?

R: Sorry!

I blurted out

R: Come in.Please, sit. Make yourself at home.

Em: Thanks.Are you a photographer?

she asked, pointing at a wall of framed photos.

R:It is only a hobby

Em: I rode a cab here.

R: I can drop you off if you want.

Em: U sure?

R: No problem. You ready?


R: For our date?

Em: Oh! Yea. Right.

R: Let's head out then.

She steps out first

Then I

The door closes behind us

Not going into detail

But we laughed,joked,won prizes,pranked people

All in all, It was an amzaing time.

So there we were i her driveway:

R: Hey. What's wrong?

I enjoyed myself.

I waited for more

Em: And you were so nice to me and kind and i just-

I rubbed her back in comfort.

R: It's ok, sweetie. I understand. I mean i know w/ what-

i stopped

R: I will make you forget about that. Trust me. I WILL. I care about you, Emma. I always have.

Em: I-.....

R: You really don't have 2 say anything. I'm still here for you, sweetie. Don't EVER forget that,ok?

She smiles and nods

R: All right.

I got out.

Em: Wait. What are you doing

She laughs

R: I'm walking you to your door? Mi'lady.

Em: Ok.

She still laughs

I'm still smiling


C: So........?

R: what?

C: Come on

R:Not much.

C: Yea, THAT'S why you're beaming like that.

R: It was nice. We had fun. Decent places. Blah [3 X]

C: Told u.

R: Whatever man.

The Life Of Marissa Smith And Her Painful, Sad, Regretful Upbringing: book 2Where stories live. Discover now