Micheal leaves his family:87

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6:24 PM

Elina's POV[sHE'S four]

Playing in mom's room making her a B-day gift when I hear muffled voices:

R: I don't understand; y r u leaving us?

GD: I cant be w/ ur mom anymore. she cheated on me.

R: What? I mean you're just gonna leave.Let her Win?

Gd: This isn't a match. I don't want to be with a 2 timer

I got up and crack da door

They're by the stairs

Gd: I'm sorry, but I'm leaving

He goes down

She 2

I stay not 2 far behind

R: What about me?

GD: U have a daughter and a husband

R: So? That doesn't mean I don't need u.

Her voice sounded different

He cupped her shoulders

Gd: U're a strong young woman. U'll b fine.

R: U found another.

His face changed

Like he got caught


R: Didn't u!?!

GD: U don't understand. U're 2 young.

R: Not 2 young 2 no that my own 'dad'-

Air quotations

R:- doesn't love me. /anymore/

GD: I do.


Gd: U have 2.

R: I HAVE A LIFE! it' s bad enuff she's interfering w/ my pro life. W/ this, she'll bring herself down. I'll b know as da kid who took care of her addict mom. Yea. I can picture it 4 Elina.

GD: It won't b so bad.

R: Say what u want. She'll b in da place.

Gd: Sweetheart, don't say-

He reached out



She IS crying

GD: I'll c u soon

R: In hell.

Gd:........ See ya

He leaves

I hear her sobbing

R: RAH!~!!!!!!

I flinched when punched thru the wall

She cried harder

I called my dad.

d: Hey sweetheart

Dad, u need 2 come over

D: What's happened?

I explained

E: Now there's a hole in the wall and she's still crying. Idk what 2 do.

D: I'm on my way. Stay where u are.

E: Ok. Please hurry.


E: [Oh mommy.]

I felt so helpless.

Watching her dad leaving hurt her

Seeing HER hurt impacts me.

Does he even know that it's her birthday?



I hear her cries

Marissa? Come here.

I held her

It'll b ok. I'm here 4 u.

R: He just left us.

U have me now. I'm all u need,right?

R: ......Yeah.I guess.

I know u love ur dad, but if he acts like ur nothing 2 him then.....

R: I shouldn't care...there's no excuse.

I'm here 4 u.

R: Thanks.

She spoke, deadpan

U wanna go home?


She leaned on me

We'll stay 4 a lil longer.

My arms tightened

I'm here. Not leaving u alone.

R: She'll blame me. They both will.

U know how they are. Never wanna blame themselves.

R: ...

No. Don't blame yourself.

R: If i-


I warned

R: It's true. I mean so what if she hated me 4 THAT? At least he'd still b here.

Babe, stop.

R: If i would've just-

Marissa, just stop it. Please.

R: If only I was-Mmm.

/I said stop!/

R: Mmmie

What if Elina hears you? Want her 2 hear this? cause I don't. Don't say those things. U hear me?

She averts her look

/Answer me/

R: Yes. I'm sorry.

You're so cute.

She smiled

What u want me to do?

She thinks on it

R: An concussion maybe? I don't know. I'm vs targeting my own people.

It's ok. I get it.

R: I guess we should go.

Wanna burn this place down later?

R: Have a burnout?

I nod

R: Yea.

That's my girl. Let's go.

She takes my hand

The Life Of Marissa Smith And Her Painful, Sad, Regretful Upbringing: book 2Where stories live. Discover now