"Family" Dinner Gone Awry

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B: You know, this food reminds me of that restaurant that we went to, in Charleston? Lowcountry.When you had your photo exhibit.

S: Oh, those photos of the Gullah islands, amazing.

Micheal:Thank you.

B: Mm-hmm.

R: You-you had an exhibit?

Mi: Mm-hmm.

R: And Y'all went?

S: Yeah.

B: Yeah. Next time, we'll all go, since we're all talking.

Mi: Yes, we will. However, now I am focused mainly on my teaching.

S: But you'll still travel, won't you, Dad?

M: I wouldn't give that part up.

S: How many more countries you got on your list?

M: I don't know, but I'm-I'm pretty well into my second passport.

R: I guess being away from ur 1st family gave you a lot of freedom, huh?

Mi:I discovered life should be lived.

R: Clearly.

Mi: I remember-

R: IDC what u remember. What I recall is u deserting us. For the DUMBEST of reason

That's not the point.

That's not what she meant, Loretha.

R: Why don't y'all finish up? Like a family.

S: Dad, I'm sorry.

That's okay. Don't worry. I'll be back.

You getting hot for nothing, princess.

R: Stop calling me that.


R: And since when did you know or care about what I get mad about? Huh? All you care about is our replacements. you said that day in mental that you wouldn't give up on me. Well, you lied. Again!

I did not.That was your choice.

R: I was in a mental.Okay? U were dead 2 me, Mom was dead too. Carol- well, Carol is just a bitch! A-And you, you just took off globetrotting.

I came to you. You said no. You left a hole in my heart. I found something to fill it. You don't get to blame me for that.

R: U left. Not ONCE did u look back. No second guessing!

I-I'm willing to step on a few landmines if that's what it takes. But I need to know that you are in this with me.

R: U do that, I'll watch you explode


The Life Of Marissa Smith And Her Painful, Sad, Regretful Upbringing: book 2Where stories live. Discover now