Hot and heavy Shower

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The door closed and locked, she finished peeling off her wet shoes and socks.

R: Of all nights, it rains tonight.

I heard her mutter to herself as she headed for the bedroom. With a sigh, I simply shook my head; after all, she did not really seem to have much sense when it came to weather and ensuring she would be properly dressed and prepared for forecasted conditions. 

But she did make sure that I stayed dried even if she got wet doing so. Yet another reason I love her.

I made my way to the kitchen. I had planned to make myself some coffee before reading the final chapter of Marissa's story but realized that my girlfriend could also benefit from a hot drink as well. I ground the beans, poured the grounds into a French press, added water from the hot water tap, and waited.

Hearing the sound of the shower running, I felt a little more at ease. Hopefully, her standing underneath the hot spray would prevent a cold. Neither of us enjoyed being sick, and neither of us enjoyed the other being sick, either, as that effectively meant no cuddling... coupled with me being relegated to the sofa at night.

The four minutes have passed, I pressed the coffee grounds to the bottom and poured two cups of hazelnut- caramel coffee, my girlfriend's favorite flavor. I added a half-shot of mint to mine, then took the two cups to the table.

Above the sound of the running water, I heard her sneeze again, although not quite as violently as before. An idea came to mind: an experiment of sorts. I went to the bedroom, peeled off my clothes, then made my way to the bathroom. I stepped to the end of the bathtub away from the shower head and carefully peeled back the shower curtain, peering inside the enclosure.

She was a living sculpture of beauty from the moment I first saw her. At that moment, leaning against the brown-tiled shower wall with her eyes closed and the shower head directing the warm water directly at her naked body, she looked even more stunning than usual.

My heart skipped a beat and a breath caught in my throat as I stepped into the shower. She apparently had not heard the shower curtain move, for her expression did not change. Her tall form continued to lean against the tiled wall, her arms dangling limply at her sides, her brown mane caught between shoulder blades and tiles. The all-too-familiar lips were parted slightly, begging to be kissed. The water ran in perfect rivulets down her front, with noticeable cascades flowing over each nipple and breast.

I stepped into the spray and winced slightly at the initial touch of the hot water upon me. Since I blocked the bulk of the water from reaching her, my wife opened her eyes and gave me a loving smile as she realized I had come to join her.

But I did not plan on simply joining her in the shower. I leaned forward, my hands on her shoulders, and kissed her. Slow and gentle and full of respect and love, the kiss lingered as her hands slid around my back, subtly drawing me to her until my chest was practically crushing her proud breasts. Our tongues sparred inside her mouth and my arousal was quite evident between us, but I had more in mind for her.

E: "Stay just like this,"

I instructed her, just loud enough to be heard over the sound of the falling hot water. She nodded her assent, and I kissed her lips once more before beginning a long, slow descent of her body, my hands and my lips making love to her flawless wet skin. When I, at last, reached her sex, I paused, looking up the body of my goddess. Judging by the rise and fall of her breasts, her breathing had noticeably increased just from the anticipation of what I was about to do. Her eyes were again closed, her lips parted. She spread her legs a little wider to ensure I had enough access to my plan.

I thrust a pair of fingers into her body. Stiffening from the sudden act, she cried out softly, her eyes snapping wide open for a moment before fluttering closed. I kissed her bare mons as my free hand wrapped around a leg to gently scratch her wet thigh.

Kneeling on the floor of the shower, I simply watched My fingers worked happily as my eyes drank in her writhing actions and my ears savored her pleasing sounds. In time, her hands reached for my head and attempted to draw my lips to her clitoris, but I resisted, purposely waiting for the right moment.

I knew she was growing a bit frustrated, as evidenced by her tugs of my hair, but I was explicitly resisting her. My free hand left her thigh and began a slow trek upward until it had made contact with a wet quivering breast. She glared down at me, her fiery eyes angry that I was postponing her pleasure. That was the moment I had been waiting for all this time, a moment heightened by her groan of sexual frustration.

E: Thank you for keeping me dry, mommy.

R moans.

R: You're welcome, baby.

She slowly slid down the tile wall, I kissed my way up her body until she was kneeling before me, spent and satisfied.

R: Oh god baby.

I clutched her to me, enjoying her gasps in my ear as she recovered from her climax. She held me weakly, and I could still feel slight tremors assaulting her body. We remained like that for quite some time, both of us being battered by the hot water from above, yet neither of us cared.

The Life Of Marissa Smith And Her Painful, Sad, Regretful Upbringing: book 2Where stories live. Discover now