Chapter 18

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     "You lied to me!" Every word that was spat out of Caroline's mouth burned him like acid. "You let me think I was a dragon when I was really one of you!" She pointed an accusing finger at him, and he could see that it was trembling with anger. "Why didn't you tell me?" All he could do was stare at her, eyes wide. This is what the Sky Bird warned me about. But it can't be too late... right?

     "I... didn't want you to face the truth." He said, deciding to be truthful. If she knew, she might have not been able to cope with it. But the fire in her eyes still flared. "I trusted you! And you betrayed me!" She turned around and ran, surprisingly fast. He stood there, shocked for a moment, before running after her. I don't know how big this plain is. She can't get lost. But Caroline was fast. She had probably been able to run her whole life, unlike him, who could only walk around a small ship.

     Finally, he slowed to a stop, panting hard. Caroline was out of sight. "Caroline!" He noticed a small black figure in the distance and headed towards it. "Caroline!" The figure disappeared, and he let out a sigh. The stars didn't help either. They just looked down at him, glittering coldly, barely giving off enough light to even see his own hands in front of his face. The stars have abandoned me...

     He sat down on the grass, ruffling it with a hand. It felt soft, but it was rooted deep into the ground. He could tell when he grabbed a fistful of it and gave it a tug. Now that he was sitting, his eye level was closer to the ground. The plains somehow seemed... different. More like a forest. He looked back up at the stars, letting himself be wrapped in their light. If you hear me, don't turn away from me. Don't abandon me.

Shouting. Muted shouting was all that he was able to hear. Thomas scanned his surroundings. He was in a small room, but it was all blurred. He was sitting on a bed, facing a wooden door. He slowly walked over and opened it ajar, peering out. Two people faced each other, faces blurred and unreadable. He blinked, trying to clear the fuzziness, but it didn't clear. "You must be insane!" He heard that voice. It was his mother's voice. Thomas felt a pang as he realized it was just a dream. No, not a dream. A memory. "There's no other choice." The voice was deeper, less caring. Probably his father. "There's always another choice! I would rather shoot myself with a pistol than give him to that wretched, salt brained excuse for a captain!" "Beth, it's the only way to keep him safe from the curse." Beth... his mother's name was Beth... "I don't care." His mother's voice was filled with tears and anger. Then there was another voice. His own. "Mommy, what's wrong?" He looked out of the door, seeing a younger version of him, about four or five years old, tottering into the room. His mother crouched down and grasped the younger version of him by his shoulders, giving him a small shake. "Listen to me Thomas. You must stay safe. You mustn't believe everything they tell you." "Beth." His father growled. "That's enough." But his mother continued anyway, her voice betraying her tears. "They will make you forget. But even if you forget me-" Her voice cracked. "I'll always remember you." "Beth." His father warned again. His mother stood up and stepped back, just as the door opened. "Are you ready?" The voice made him flinch, and he ducked behind the door. Captain. "Take care of him." His mother said, then looked down at younger Thomas, who was looking confused on what was going on. "Be brave." His mother and father began to leave the room, and younger Thomas started to run after them, but was stopped by Captain. "No! Mommy! Daddy! Where are you going?" His mother covered her face with her hands and ran out of the door. "No! Come back!" His father glanced back at him, then left as well. "Don't leave me!" Thomas turned away, unable to watch. I'm sorry mother... I couldn't remember you... He covered his ears but he could still hear younger Thomas's heartbroken cries and his mother's sobs. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry... He leaned against the door, his back against it, not wanting to see the rest.

The scene changed, this time, taking him to a dark library. A figure robed in black fingered through a cluster of keys, trying to mute any jingling sound. A hood was pulled over their face, but he thought that he saw a gleam of blue eyes when they looked around, cautiously, as if looking out for someone. It could only mean that they were doing something that they weren't supposed to do. The figure picked up two keys, one black, one silver, and crept out of the library. They slipped down the hallway into a room, which the door was slightly open. His father slept soundly inside, unaware of what the figure was doing. The figure looked left and right before slowly closing the door, then pushing the black key into the lock, turning it. It locked with a small click, and the figure rushed down the hallway, towards the exit. They unlocked the door with the silver key, flinging the door open. Their hood fell back, revealing a blue eyed woman. Beth. His mother. She ran through a forest full of oak trees, which gradually thinned. She didn't stop running until she had reached a cliff. The wind billowed around her, sending her long black hair fluttering everywhere. The Sun was slowly rising, and blue was streaking the sky. She scanned the horizon, her eyes resting on a black silhouette in the distance. The ship. Captain's ship. A hint of a smile spread across his mother's face, and she let out a small, content sigh. His mother looked up at the last stars, closing her eyes. "Protect him. Watch over him." She took a deep breath and stepped closer to the edge of the cliff. "No! Mother! Don't do it!" But she couldn't hear him. It had already happened. He was merely witnessing it again. Thomas turned away, not able to watch. He heard a faint splash in the distance, then silence. His mother had died. She had died because of him. 

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