Chapter 9

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     The horizon was so close. So close, yet she couldn't reach it. Caroline wanted to explore every part of the world, from the very bottom of the seas to the top of the sky. Every single star in the heavens, she wanted to see them. But she couldn't.

     Caroline cast a sideways look at Monah, quickly averting her eyes when she saw that she was still watching her. Why doesn't she want me to go to the wall? Why doesn't she want me to explore? She knew that she was going nowhere if she didn't make an effort to get where she wanted to go. The Silver Sun had begun to rise in the sky. Under Monah's watchful eyes, she didn't dare look up to see if it was completely round or not. How long has it been since I saw the countless stars? Days? Weeks? Years? She doubted it was years, but it sure felt that way.

     I'm going on the Silver Sun. Monah said, spreading her wings. Remember, I can see you from up there. She added, dousing the last spark of hope left inside. Caroline sat down next to the Blue Tree, gazing up at the first stars. The sound of Monah's wingbeats grew softer and more muffled as she flew farther away. Now!

     She whipped around and immediately started searching for the metal stick that opened the tunnel. She felt it with her paws and pushed it towards the ground. The earth creaked and rumbled, splitting open slowly. Hurry! She could hear a roar in the distance, signaling Monah's return. Faster! The ground was halfway open, and she glanced back to see that Monah had almost reached the mountain peak. Come on! The ground opened up completely and Caroline dashed inside, running as fast as she could away from the entrance. The ground closed once again and there was another roar and the earth shuddered as Monah slammed her tail against the closed entrance of the tunnel.

     Caroline held her breath in silence, not even daring to breathe. The walls eventually stopped shuddering against the impact of Monah's blows and she could hear her let out a roar of fury that could be heard all the way in the heavens. Did I just do that? She thought, dazed.

     Regret started to flood her, overwhelming and sharp with an unnameable pain. I wasn't thinking. I just wanted to get away. I just want a chance to see beyond the horizon. She sat down on the ground, putting her back against the wall. Unlike other dragons, she could keep both her back and legs straight while sitting down. Other dragons couldn't sit. They could either crouch down or lay down. Is this because I'm different than other dragons? She sighed. I don't even know what I am anymore.

     A faded green light painted the walls with brightness and she closed her eyes, wistfully remembering Monah when she was younger. Kind, understanding, supportive... Memories filled her head as she drifted off into a dream.

The world was huge. As she floated higher in the sky, she could see more of the earth. She could see the oceans, the mountains, the prairies, the woodlands, the deserts, the valleys, the canyons, the glaciers, and everything in between. All within reach. She looked up, and the sky turned silver. Then she saw them. Stars. Stars everywhere. They turned the sky silver and white with their brightness, stretching on endlessly. And she could touch them. She reach out with a paw, clasping a small, lonely looking star. It felt warm and comforting, and she held it tightly, as if it would fade away if she let go. The sun started to rise and the stars faded away. The one that she was holding flickered once before it disappeared. "I'm all alone again..."

     Caroline woke up, the empty feeling still inside of her. It was raining outside. She could tell by the sound of the droplets drumming against the ground in an almost melodic way. Come out! They invited. Come play with us! Come explore with us! Caroline paced back and forth, silently debating in her head.

     You can't go out. Monah will find you.

     But the whole reason you came here is to get as far away from her as you can.

     Yeah, but she can smell you and all that you did to get away will be pointless.

     True, but she doesn't have a good sense of smell when she's sleeping.

     And she sleeps during the day since she's out all night...

     Which means...

     We have to go now.

     Caroline silently crept into the Room of Books, knowing that Monah's ears could pick up almost any sound, even while she was sleeping. She pushed the button and the ground rumbled slightly. She crossed her talons, not knowing why, but feeling better when she did it. Don't wake up, don't wake up... Sunlight spilled into the tunnel and she blinked rapidly against the sudden brightness.

     The rain had stopped, leaving a few, small puddles on the ground. The earth soaked them up greedily, leaving only a few left. She looked around her, spotting a midnight blue wing jutting out from behind a boulder. Monah. Fortunately, she appeared to be sleeping. Okay. I have at least a few moments to start running before Monah's ears pick up a sound and wakes up. Which way should I run? She scanned the horizon, spotting a glimmer of blue, sparkling in the plentiful sunlight. To the lake.

     Monah stirred in her sleep and she tensed, getting ready to run. Go! Caroline took off, sprinting down the mountain as fast as her legs would carry her. There was an angry roar up above, signaling that Monah had spotted her. She ran faster, propelling herself forward like a lightning bolt splitting the sky in half on a stormy day.

     The lake came into view, and so did Monah's shadow overhead. I have no choice now. She didn't stop at the small cliff that led straight down to the lake. She jumped off, plunging towards the water like an arrow. She hit the surface with an enormous splash and bubbles erupted all around her, the impact knocking out all of the air left in her lungs. A terrifying thought came to her mind. I'm going to die. 

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