Chapter 1

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     Caroline curiously peered down the mountain, hoping that she would see the bottom. A bird pumped it's huge wings and landed on a rock beside her. She growled, and it screeched in fright, taking off. Caroline examined her own wings. They were long and thin like sticks. Five little twig like objects grew from the tips. Her talons were as thin as leaves, a pale pink instead of white. She tugged the at light blue fabric covering her arms. Monah had called it a 'coat'. She used the five twig-like objects to scoop up a handful of soil, then smeared it on the ground. Grabbing a real stick, she poked the dirt with it, and allowed herself to show a pleased smile when she saw the little dot it made.

     She cast her eyes over the edge of the mountain again. She took on step forward, then another. A soft growl sounded from behind her. Turning around, her eyes met an amber one. A dragon. The dragon had midnight blue wings, big and powerful when spread. It's tail was adorned with spikes, and it's claws were pure white. The dragon had one eye open sleepily, and growled again. Where do you think you're going? Caroline let out a small chirp. To explore of course! The dragon closed it's other eye and let out a sound that almost sounded like a sigh. Be careful.

     She gleefully hopped from rock to rock, grabbing onto holds with her paws. She let her legs dangle over the edge for a moment. The wind tugged at her wings and sleeves, urging her to jump off and fly. I wish I could. She let out a huff of laughter as she buried herself in the snow, digging tunnels through it. Bormah must be a snow dragon. Monah always likes the snow. She scuttled down the mountain, racing past little critters. She felt the wind in her face, all around her. Is this how it's like? To fly?

     She stopped to adore a small fluffy creature perched on a branch. It chattered at her and she climbed up to sit next to it. The creature inched away then sat, staring at her curiously. It chattered at her again and hopped onto her hand. With a small smile she tapped the creature's head with the tip of her wing. It let out a sharp bark and scrambled farther up the tree. 

     With a sigh she jumped off of her perch, landing in the soft snow. She cupped it in her hands and blew on it, watching in bewilderment as it melted into water. It's magic! It has to be! She picked up another handful of snow and touched it to the tip of her tongue. She jumped up excitedly as it melted. The water wasn't as fresh as the water from the valley, but she felt as if she could taste the magic in it. 

     She trotted down the snow covered mountain, occasionally stopping to jump into a pile of snow or to chatter to a fluffy creature perched on a tree. A wall of white and silver became visible through the trees. Gently, she pressed her hand against the wall. It felt solid and smooth. She put her other hand against it and gave it a small push. It didn't budge. With a sigh, she pressed her forehead against the wall that was keeping her from seeing what was beyond the mountain. One day. She vowed. Maybe I'll meet other dragons. Maybe I'll find out where the ball of fire goes every night. Maybe there's someone just like me. 

     A roar sounded from the top of the mountain. Monah! Quickly, she dashed through the woods, leaves crunching underneath her. I have to get back before night falls! Before the night dragons come out! She scrambled up a steep cliff, using her front paws and letting her back paws dangle in the air. She stopped at the top, glancing behind her. A fiery ball of red and orange was peeking out from behind the wall, attempting to give out it's last rays. The rays filled the sky with colorful patterns of light, something she could never record in her dirt drawings.

     The roar sounded again, closer. She regretfully turned her back on the ball of fire, walking back towards the Blue Tree. Monah was waiting for her. She let out three growls, all different pitches. I'm going out to rest on the Silver Sun. Caroline nodded. What was that? The golden sphere of fire that painted the sky. Monah growled uncomfortably. That was the Sun. The Silver Sun's nemesis. Caroline leaned forward. What was the wall that it disappeared behind? What's behind it? Monah flared her wings. No more questions. Don't let the dark dragons see you. Caroline stared sadly after the moon dragon as she soared towards the Silver Sun. It's so dark... and I'm all alone... 

     She tried to settle herself comfortably against the Blue Tree. Something sharp poked her in the back. Irritated, she grabbed her light grey jacket and used that as a pillow. The sharp object poked her again. She turned around, squinting in the dark, trying to make out what it was. She reached out, brushing her hand against it, feeling the hard surface of metal. Curiosity filled her and she grasped the metal stick. She gave it a tug. Nothing happened. She tugged it again, and came out with the same result. She shook it. Something rattled, as if there was something inside. Carefully, she put her weight on it. There was a soft creak and a few clicks as the metal stick got pulled into the Blue Tree. She stepped back as the ground shuddered, then split into two.

     Caroline tilted her head. The ground was flat, and was going far into the earth. There was a part she couldn't see, swallowed by darkness. Little dots and lines decorated the walls. Don't go in. You don't know what's down there. A spark appeared farther down the tunnel. Light. Her paws acted on their own, eagerly propelling her forward. With a sharp CLICK, the ground came back together, leaving her alone in the darkness. 

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