Chapter 17

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     The drop was about three wingspans down, both terrifying and thrilling her at the thought. Caroline stood on the edge of the small cliff, staring at the water below her. It was clear, and she could see the layer of sand at the bottom. Caroline took a few steps back, getting ready to run. She took off, jumping off of the edge. She spread her wings, but they didn't slow her fall. Splash! She hit the water and sunk to the bottom, the breath knocked out of her from the impact of the fall.

     She opened her eyes, then swam upwards, breaking through the surface of the water. She pulled herself up on the shore, soaked and cold, the fading rays of the Sun trying to dry her off as it sunk below the horizon. She climbed up the cliff again, taking a few deep breaths. I am a dragon. I should be able to fly. Caroline jumped off the small cliff again, flaring her wings, but they failed her. She hit the surface of the water and sunk like a stone. She sighed, frustrated, a few white bubbles floating to the surface of the water, but popping before they could reach it. She pushed off of the bottom of the lake and her head broke out of the water. She took in deep breaths of air, lungs stinging.

     Caroline climbed up onto the shore and sat down heavily. The result of so many attempts was starting to take its toll, exhausting her. She looked up at the darkening sky, seeing the Silver Sun beginning it's journey. Heat was radiating off of her body, which had felt cold only moments ago.

     Tired, she forced herself towards the water, wanting to cool herself down. She dipped her paws in, letting the water consume them. She looked down at them, then brought her eyes higher. That's when Caroline saw her reflection for the first time.

     No words came out of her mouth, it just hung open wide. Instead of horns, she had a tangle of pale yellow fur, almost white. Her eyes were a deep shade of brown, not amber or blue, more like the color of the earth. Her nose and mouth were separate, and there was no snout. Her teeth weren't as sharp as a dragon's were supposed to be. That was because she wasn't a dragon.

     I'm... I'm human. Why didn't anyone tell me? Why didn't Thomas tell me? She frantically looked up at the Silver Sun, seeing that it had reached its highest point. She dashed towards the border, her shock and fury propelling her forward faster. She ran straight through the barrier without hesitation, not even bothering to slow down. He didn't tell me. She felt angry. She felt betrayed. Those feelings increased as she saw him.

     "You lied to me!" She clenched her fists at her sides. "You let me think I was a dragon when I was really one of you!" She pointed an accusing finger at him, a growl rising in her throat. "Why didn't you tell me?" Thomas stared at her, eyes wide. "I... didn't want you to face the truth." He admitted, but her anger didn't fade. "I trusted you! And you betrayed me!" She turned around and ran, not caring where she went. She just wanted to get as far away from him as possible. He lied. He lied. And I trusted him.

     A black speck appeared in the distance, growing bigger and bigger the closer she got to it. She slowed down as she approached, panting. She looked up at the building, feeling a chill go down her spine at the sight.

     Everything about the building seemed frightening, from it's shattered windows to it's towering size. Two crooked black doors were only a wingspan away from her, tempting her, inviting her to come inside. But she didn't want to. Every bone in her body screamed at her to run far away and not come back. It was just too strange, for a building to appear suddenly in the middle of nowhere.

     "Caroline!" Caroline flinched as she heard Thomas call her name. "Caroline!" The voice was closer this time. I have no choice. She took a deep breath and opened the doors, stepping inside. It was pitch black. She couldn't see anything.

     The doors shut on their own, and there was a click as they locked behind her. She searched for any escape with her hands, feeling a ledge in the wall. She placed a foot on it and pushed herself up to another ledge. There was a soft hiss from below her, and she pushed herself faster. She felt a small door and pried it open, slipping inside.

     The room was just barely big enough for her to fit in. A small torch was attached to the wall, and she pulled it off with her fingers, careful not to make any noise. She opened the door a crack, peering through at the room, holding the torch up to her face. She clamped her hand over her mouth to stop herself from letting out a strangled scream at the sight.

     The whole building was filled with gruesome creatures, each one more terrifying than the one before it. They crawled around the floor, occasionally letting out a low growl. She quickly closed the door and pressed her back against it, holding her breath, not even daring to breathe. She knew she couldn't get out. Probably not until dawn. If the creatures didn't find her first.

     Time ticked by slowly, giving her plenty of time to think. One thing that came back to her mind was her conversation with Mother Earth, and the third dawn. The third dawn... what could it mean? What is there three things of? Three... three... Realization struck her hard, a lightning bolt of the truth. Three meetings. We return to our world at dawn. On the third dawn, the barrier will be destroyed. And I'll return to my world and stay in it. Which means... I only have a few moments to find Thomas at dawn and tell him that our meetings are over. 

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