25- True love creates a soul

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'I think we should try and return her soul anyway' I said once Spike was upstairs 'I'll deal with Spike'

'Alright, we'll let you know what happens' Willow told me as they left the house

'They're gone' I yelled up the stairs letting Spike now, but after five minutes he still hadn't come down, so I went to him.

'Hey' I said to him walking into the bedroom, he still didn't reply. 'What's this really about?' I asked

'Vampires aren't evil' he told me

'I know that?' I replied 'for a slayer I'm pretty 'Pro Vampires' I even sleep with one' I laughed trying to lighten the mood

'It's just a big act you know, being evil and all that. I told you that once remember, when Angelus was trying to destroy the world, we banded together to stop him. I said I liked this world'

'I remember' I smiled 'we need Jessica on our side, Willow is going to do the spell but if you want to do your plan first we can' 

'Thanks Buffy, that means a lot to me' Spike replied

The phone rang and I answered it, Willow was in a frantic mood saying something about no magic and we needed to hurry over. I quickly told Spike that I had to go help Willow and I'd be back before the sun went down so we could go help Jessica.

When I finally arrived at Giles houses, I could hear loads of yelling, I ran inside to see Willow yelling about. 

'What's going on?' I shouted over the top of all the noise

'Our magic is gone Buffy' Willow told me 'Mine and Tara's'

'How could that be?' I asked looking at Giles who had a book right against his nose

'Here' he said placing the book down on the table for us all to read 'the only logical explanation' 

On the page he was showing us was a picture of a baby in the womb, for a split second I had to check that we were reading a magic book and not a biology book by mistake. However, once I read the top of the page I was sure it was a demon book. 

'Anya's having a demon baby?' I asked unsure of what to make of the information on the page

'Looks like it yes, sort of' Giles started to explain 'the baby looks human but I think it absorbs magic' 

'How interesting' I told them

'Oh totally' Willow exclaimed

'Relax' Giles responded 'your magic will return!' 

'What about the soul spell though?' Tara asked looking at me

'Yeah, look, I still want to do it. Spike wants to try and help her first though' I explained 'I'll let you guys know after tonight'

'Alright bye' Giles said and went back to trying to calm Willow and Tara down.

'I'm home Spike' I announced walking in through the front door

'Hey' he said throwing me a thick jacket

'Oh yeah thanks' I replied 'last night was chilly'

'Let's get going' he smiled 

'Yeah, hold on let me just grab something to eat' I said

'I made you a sandwich, here, you can eat it on the way' he told me handing me a sandwich in a bag

'Oh thanks' I smiled weakly 'so do you know what you're going to say'

'Nope' Spike laughed holding out the door for me.

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