Chapter Twenty

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Early the next morning I woke up alone. It took a second to remember that yesterday had happened, and I'd found Nick again. I smiled and hugged the pillow where nick's head had been. I pulled my pajamas on, and walked out of the bedroom. Josh was sitting at the breakfast bar with nick and they were deep in conversation. Nick looked up at me and smiled.

“we're going over the story for the press conference.”

“Josh is advising me to say I'm overworked and had an emotional breakdown” nick exclaimed through gritted teeth. I held in a laugh, very aware that nick was not amused.

Nick had never been the kind of guy who had let his emotions show, at least not until he met me. He couldn't remember meeting me, so I understood that he was being recluse again.

“It's the wisest idea. Less questions will be asked if you say that.”

Nick frowned at me and shrugged.

“I guess I don't have a choice”

“lets not worry about the press conference until its here. Your publicist doesn't even know you're back yet. The police do, but they're another story. Today we have to see Janie and Marc... and Alex”I said Alex's name softly. Nick's eyes widened and I could see wetness beginning to gather. His hand physically moved to his heart and he swallowed

“Alex? My sister?” He mumbled

I nodded and it was all the confirmation he needed. He burst into tears, in an uncharacteristic show of emotion, even for him before the abduction. I walked across to him and wrapped my arms tightly around him.

“Tim...Arnold, oh god I wish I’d have known it was him at the time” He muttered “I’d have killed him”

I looked up at josh who gave me a look of concern, and he mouthed “we need to talk”

Once I’d calmed Nick down I bundled him into the shower. His emotions were erratic and unpredictable, and it was confusing.

“we can't let him go to a press conference. He's too unstable” josh said as I walked back into the kitchen. I nodded in agreement and picked up the phone.

“I'll call his publicist, she can make a statement.” I replied in agreement

“Good idea.”

“I'd better call Janie as well, she'll be wondering about us.” I added picking up the phone

“Wondering if I've hurt you guys more like” Josh mumbled

“She'll come around to the idea of you not being the bad guy we thought you were” I assured Josh, but he shrugged, picked up his coffee cup and placed it in the sink.

I called the publicist first. She'd heard that Nick had returned safe, but was waiting for our direction. She said she get straight on to the press. I was about to call Janie when the buzzer sounded from reception. I walked over to the newly installed intercom. Janie and Marc had come over. I told the receptionist to let them up.

Once I got off the intercom I found Josh.

“Janie and Marc are here.” I said, trying to hide my nerves.

Josh didn't say anything, instead he just nodded and stared at the door. A couple of minutes later there was a knock at the apartment door. I walked across the floor and rest my hand on the door handle.

“Check first” Josh whispered

I rolled my eyes, he'd said himself that the chances of Arnold/timothy trying anything while the heat was on him was slim. Still to appease him I looked through the peep hole.

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