Chapter Eighteen

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Ello Lovely's! It's Friday, Friday!

I have some big news! A new Fanfiction is coming out in October, and it's a crossover!

Mari from Smosh Games and Ross from Game Grumps! It's gonna be amazing, I promise, so I'm gonna have three Fanfictions. Yikes. Yes, I am crazy


Chapter Eighteen It's Love

A Mari and Sohinki Fanfiction

Mari's POV:

Me and Sohinki ate homemade pancakes with strawberries and blueberries for breakfast. It was unusually quite. Sohinki didn't want to talk at all. He seemed really embarassed about last night. I didn't mind though.

Kalel texted me a little while after we ate, asking me if I wanted to go baby shopping with her and Marzia. I agreed. It would be good for Sohinki to have some alone time.

I took a shower, pulled on a pair of black yoga pants, my pink Smosh sweatshirt and white flip flops and drove myself to the mall.

"Hey Mari!" Kalel said happily. Her and Marzia were already waiting inside. "What's up?"

"Nothing," I said. "How about you two? How are the babies?"

"It's an amazing feeling," Marzia admitted. "There's a little baby inside me."

"You can't even tell yet," Kalel reminded her. "I've already got a little belly."

"But you have two babies inside of you," she giggled.

"True. God, it's going to be so weird with a whole bunch of Smosh babies."

"I'm going to go call Sohinki really quick," I lied. "I think I left my curling iron plugged in."

"Ok. How about we meet you at Babies R Us in half an hour?" Kalel suggested.

"Sounds perfect." I went to the quietest place I could think of, my car, and dialed Melanie's number.

"What's up?" She answered, knowing it was me.

"Hey, do you have time to talk?" I asked hopefully.

"Yeah. Me and Ian don't leave for another hour. Why?"

"Are you alone?"

"Uh... I could be," she told me. "Ian, I'm going for a walk," I heard her say. "Ok, tell me what's wrong."

"I'm jelous of everyone," I admitted. "I want a baby."

"Oh, Mari," she cooed. "You know you'll have a baby when you and Sohinki are ready. It'll be perfect. Try to keep your mind off of it."

"I really can't," I told her. "I'm baby shopping with Kalel and Marzia."

"Yikes. How about you focus on you? Tell them you'll meet thm for lunch or something?"

"Thanks Mel. You're the best. Good luck today!"

"You too Mari! Do you want to meet us for dinner? So we can announce the results?"

"Sounds perfect," I smiled. I may be jelous, but I wanted this for Mel.


Matt Sohinki's POV:

"What's wrong?" Anthony asked me. "You seem distracted." We were both sitting in the Smosh Games HQ, working on ideas. Ian was at the appointment for Melanie, Joven and Lasercorn were filming an episode of YouTubers react for the Fine brothers, and Mari was shopping.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked.

"Sure. What's up?" He asked, spinning around in his chair, so he was facing me.

"Well, me and Mari did 'it' last night," I admitted.

"Congrats man," he said, his face breaking out into a smile.

"No, it's weird. I'm afraid that I took it too far too early."

"Well, did she seem upset, or uncomfortable or anything?"

"Well... no," I admitted.

"Then I think you're ok," he smiled. "What are you really worried about? Do you think she's pregnant?"

"What? Well... I don't know. I don't think so."

"Well, there's a possibility. Do you want a kid?"

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if Mari does."

"Dude, did you see the way that she was looking at Kalel? She was jelous. She wants a kid."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"Thanks," I smiled. And I meant it.


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