Chapter 8

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Sapphire's P.O.V

I woke up lying on a cold, hard floor. I open my eyes to see dark concrete built brick walls, and a small barred window. Where the fuck am I?

Looking around more I can see that I am in fact, inside some sort of prison cell. How the fuck I ended up here, I don't know. But what I do know is I want out. I go to stand up, but immediately feel dizzy. My hand flies to my head and I flinch.... I pull my hand back and look, my hand has fresh and dried blood covering it. where the fuck did this cut come from?

It all comes flooding back; Alex going missing, waking up to the loud crash, a bag going over my head, getting knocked out. I think I was kidnapped.... or would it be wolf-napped? oh well, whatever it was, I'm going to kill the people who did this to me when I find them. First, I've gotta find a way outta here.

Getting up, I move around trying to see any weakness in this dreary cell. Maybe the bars on the window might break, they do look old. Going over I grab two bars next to each other and try to pull, but nothing was happening. The fuck? I normally would be able to break this easily. I try again and really try to muster up all of mine and my wolfs strength but still nothing. Why can't I break these?

Then I hear a deep chuckling from behind me, I instinctively go into defense mode and spin around in a protective stance, barring my teeth and growling. "Well, Well. Look who has finally awoken from their deep slumber" Steve?

The deep voice spoke again "ah dear, sweet Sapphire. Yes, it is me. your beloved friend Steve" he made air quotations over the word 'friend'.

"What are you doing here? Where am I?" I continue to growl whilst speaking to show him I am well focused on protecting myself. I am so confused as to why he is here.

"You're probably wondering why I am here, yes? Well its quite simple really, I want to become the alpha." he started to pace back and forth in front of my cell " I am going to take your rightful spot as alpha and I know just how to do it. I've never liked you, yknow? In fact, I've always been using you; for popularity but also to learn. I've been studying you and trying to learn your weakness for years" he stops pacing and turns to me, an evil grin on his face " and I've finally figured it out".

He stares at me as I start to speak "I always thought you were the nice one Steve, the one that was always better and had a good heart compared to everyone else. And what could you possibly have on me as a weakness? I am soon to be alpha!! I have no weakness'" as soon as I finish he starts laughing menacingly, throwing his head back where I can see his adams apple vibrating up and down as he laughs.

The laughing stops as he looks back at me smirking and continues to speak "That's where you were always wrong my dear alpha. Maybe you'll learn your lesson not to trust everyone and be so kind in the future. As for your weakness, I will let you sleep on it and figure that out for yourself" and with that said, he turns away, and walks out of a door to the right of my cell.

What weakness could he possibly be on about? I have alpha blood in me. I am strong, intelligent. I know how to take care of and lead my future pack. I've been training for this my whole life. So what does he think my weakness is? The only worries, I get are about my beloved Alex..... wait.. ALEX!!!! She is my weakness!! shit, shit, shit. What has that evil bastard done to her? I swear I am going to kill him once I get my hands on him. I need to figure a way out of here

..:12 Days Later:.

It has been 12 days since I awoke in this hellhole. Steve and Lisa have been taking turns to come see if I'm still alive and to give me this horrible raw meat. They only feed me enough to keep me alive, but it's not enough. Being the soon to be alpha also meant I eat a shit tonne of food compared to other wolves, I need a lot more to keep my muscle tone and energy for my training.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2019 ⏰

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