65 • That Mental Glo Up 😛💭

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- Don't be afraid to try new things ✨

- Love and accept every inch of yourself ❤

- Get out of your comfort zone  👊🏽

- Always be thankful & grateful for the good things in your life 💛

- Do your best in everything you do so you know you put in 💯% effort regardless of the results

- Keep affirmations that you need to remember close by 💖

- Stop thinking more likes = beauty 💔

- Keep a journal 📓

- Focus on yourself 💭 

- Meditate 💕

- Don't settle for less 🙂 

- Spend more time in nature 🌲

- Put your life and your needs before these boys 👦🏽

- Be open to change 🍃

- Always get enough sleep 💤

- Don't bottle your feelings, EVER 👎🏽

- Explore more of your city 🏙

- Smile 😁

- Pray 🙇🏽 & get closer to your God / The universe  🌌

- Surround yourself with good people who think good things & have a good vibe 💚

- Have short term & long term goals 📝

- Do what you love often ❣

- Say no when you want to, don't be a pushover 🙁

- Get to know yourself / find yourself 🌹

- Always be yourself 👸🏽

- Stop being afraid to say what you think 💬 (unless it's not nice!)

Hey loves 👋🏽 What else would you like to see on hoe tips? Comment or dm me if you want to see some tips that you need help with. Love you guys💖 

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