46 • having a good morning 🌥✨😌💛

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• The night before, get plenty of rest. Avoid sleeping extremely late because you're wake up in a fairly bad mood 😒

• stretch when you wake up, it will make you feel so much better and your body not so tense after sleeping 😌

• stick to an every day morning routine. You won't be so confused and out of order, which makes a difference 📆

• have a quick, warm shower to freshen up and wake you up a little more in the morning 🚿🌷

• Music is a good way to feel good in the morning. Listen to a chill playlist to feel relaxed. Or listen to an upbeat playlist feel energized 🎼🎹🎶🎵

• eat breakfast. Breakfast is actually the most important part of the day, I know everyone says it but its true.. food can put you in a really good mood 🤤🥐🥚🥓🥞🍌

• have an alarm to wake you up at a decent time. I recommend the app sleep cycle, it will analyze your sleep, snoring and movements to wake you up when you aren't in a deep sleep. That way you wont feel tired when you wake up ⏰

• after you've gotten ready for the day. Fix up your bed and/or your room a bit 🛏

• repeat positive affirmations so you'll feel motivated for the day 😊

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