16 • First day of school prep 😉📖💙

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* Start going to sleep early a week or two before school starts to get your sleep schedule back on track 😴

* Get your hair and nails done the day before. Set those appointments 😍

* Go shopping for those supplied asap so they wont be all gone and you get whatchu need 🤦🏽‍♀️

* Pamper yourself the night before. Relax inna bubble bath and drink hot tea 🛀🏽

* Buy a new backpack and purse to carry books and sh¡t 🎒

* Talk yourself into doing your best this school year ✨

* Get sone new shoes so you can be fresh asf 😎

* A jacket issa must unless yo ass like being cold 😭

* Buy some new bras and panties 👅

* Get new clothes and jewelry 💍

* Get dicked down sis 😂😂😂😂(issa joke.. don't do that shit 😇)

* Try and find your school schedule online 🤔

* Ask yo friends if they have any classes witchu ‼️

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