03 • Relationship Tips 👫👫👭👬

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- Communication is key in relationships. If something is wrong, talk it out with your partner 🗣💘😉

- Don't allow the relationship to be one-sided. Love takes two people, and one person doing all the work in the relationship isn't okay 🙅🏽☹️

- If you guys are at the point of having sex 🍆💦💕. First of all get it girllll.... 😛😏😛and second make sure you both are safe. Discuss getting tested and contraceptives 💬 (it sounds very basic and what everyone says but it's true. Better safe than sorry 🤷🏽‍♀️)

- Be understanding. If your bae is busy and they can't hang out, answer you texts or call, don't trip too much 😌

- Trust is very a important factor in a healthy relationship. If you guys don't trust one another how can you be happy? 🤔

- HAVE FUN 🤣. Being in love means you basically have another best friend. Go out on dates, be silly and enjoy each other's company 😇🤞🏽💙

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