Chapter 7:

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Jordan POV:

"Hey Do you wanna come to the store with me?" Beau ask.

"Eh idk" i said

"Just get your a** up and let's go" he said and he laugh

"Uhh fine" I said and went outside to the car.

"Your such a butthead you know" I said

"Hehe so funny" he said, I laugh

"So which store we are going to?" I ask

"Um idk I just wanted to get out of the house but wanna go to the nike Factor?" he said

"Heck yeah I do" I said

"Ok But first I'm-" I cut him off by saying

"BEAU WATCH OUT!!" I yelled, and I heard screaming and water dripping, Then I black out...............


I woke up in a hospital which I freaking hate them. I look around and saw the papers, a little couch and wires on my arms. I try to get up but I couldn't at all. I felt bruise and in pain a lot of it.

A nurse came in and said

"How are feeling? no head aches? no sore trout?" she ask

"No but what happen?" I ask

"You had a car crash with Beau Brooks and it almost sit on fire but lucky an ambulance came and save you and your friend." she said

"Omg is Beau alright?" I ask

"Yes but he is in a coma" she said

"Oh" I said

"Oh and you broke a couple of your ribs and your legs are nub so you with be in a wheel chair for about 3-4 weeks" she said

"Oh ok" I said still in pain

"Well you should rest now" she said and walk out of the room.

I push the button the sit up and yet it still hurt really bad sitting up. so I just lay back down. I saw my phone next to me so I pick it up and started to scroll around Facebook and youtube. That's when I heard the door open and close. it was jai and Luke, James, and Daniel.

"Why?" jai ask

"Why what?" I said confuse

"Why would you let Beau crash?!" he voice got louder

"Dude clam down" James said

"Well if she could of said F***ing no to beau, we wouldn't be in this mess!!" he yell

"So now it's my fought! gosh I wish I was dead!" I yelled back

"Jai didn't mean that" Luke said

I gave him a mean look, jai ran out crying,

"Jai has been the most brother that love Beau so he is very emotion able." luke said and left to go get jai.

James and Daniel stand there not know what to do.

"Um..." James said

"Have ya seen beau?" I mumbled

"No..they won't let us" Daniel said

"Oh sorry" I said

"No it's ok" They both said

"We should go check on beau" said Daniel and they both left, I head yelling and crying. Izabella came in and look at me.

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