Division 1~ Part 1

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Unknown P.O.V

That incompetent brother of mine, so idiotic. Mercer, tsk tsk, so reliable. Wrong place, wrong time. No one believes him and to be honest, it's hilarious. Seeing him rot in jail....funny how he had to suffer and he was completely innocent. I would almost feel disappointed? Killing the Council wasn't easy but they deserved it.

Watching myself kill then was amusing. Yep, I'm twisted and dark but I felt nothing as they exploded into dust in front of my eyes. Mercer may be strong-willed, stubborn, and smart but I would only die laughing.

My brother is an idiot for trusting me but some people never learn, which is why he's stuck in prison for something he had never thought of doing. I can't wait to see him again but first I have something to do.......

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