Chapter 18 - Goodbye Landon

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Chapter 18

Goodbye Landon

I waited in my rented car for about fifteen minutes before mustering the courage to get out and walk up to the front door of Landon's mom's house.

I had no reason to feel this nervous about going to see Landon—aside from the shit show that my family had kindly made me a part of. I shouldn't be this unhinged.

When I finally knocked on the door, it took a solid minute for it to open, a good sixty seconds of doors banging and loud shuffling. Sometimes we underestimate the length of a minute, its true value. A fuck that last one minute is a gorram disgrace but a hug with someone you don't like that lasts a minute is true torture.

You underestimate how many strange scenarios your head can come up with in the minute it takes someone to open the door, from a random naked chick opening it to a desperate looking Landon that begs me to pick him.

I took one minute to overthink, and in that stupid minute, even knowing that I was at Landon's mother's house I didn't think about his mother opening the door.

That probably went on the list of reasons why Victor shouldn't marry me.

His mother just looked at me, her face juggling between being annoyed and confused.

When I finally got control of my body again I introduced myself. "Hello, I'm Danika, I'm Landon's friend, I came by a few weeks ago. I just needed to talk to him."

"Danika?" She frowned. "Dani?"

I'd never had anyone judge my name like that. I felt seriously inferior and she'd just said two words. And why was she appraising me yet again? She'd already seen me before. "Yes."

"Hmm, I thought you were a boy," she remarked, off-handily. Wow, that was certainly the first time I heard that. Also, what the fuck Landon? What was he telling his mom about me? "He's in his room, still sleeping."

"It's two in the afternoon," I pointed out. If he didn't have a girl in his bed he had no reason to sleep in that late.

She snorted. "You tell him that," she said as she lead the way towards what I assumed could only be Landon's room. She opened the door and I was greeted by a set of stairs going down.

"I certainly will," I answered and went down. And adult male living in the basement of his mother—what a cliché. The basement was basically an open space with a couch and a huge TV. There were two doors, one that after opening led me to a bathroom and the other to Landon's room. It was pretty dark in the room, because we were well, below ground level so I started turning on lights.

Landon made the sound of a dying whale, burying in face in his pillow.

I grinned and went to lie in bed next to him and in my best Jack Nicholson impression I said "Heeeeeere's Johnny" into Landon's ear.

He hid under his covers. "Oh god, go away."

"No, why would I do that when you're shirtless. Are you completely naked under there?" I peeked under the covers but unfortunately he was wearing sweat pants.

He swatted at me but because he wasn't looking he was just flapping his hand uselessly around. "Go aaaawaaaaay."

I rested by back against his headboard, sitting comfortably in his bed, ignoring him. "Why does your mom think I'm a boy? It's very strange."

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