14 | Nashira

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"I wanna go on this one! No, no can we ride that one, but wait I've always wanted to ride this one." Lizzie slapped Alec upside the head, her eyes wide as if silently telling him to shut it before she murdered him. He pursed his lips in a thin line and visibly calmed down. But I knew deep inside he was still bouncing up and down like an excited schoolgirl.

The lines to get onto the rides weren't as long as I expected them to be. Normally, around this time, the park would be flooded with people trying to make the most of the end of summer and the beginning of spring before Winter decided to make a grand reappearance. Because once late November hits -- if we're lucky, early or late December- it's game over.

No more shorts and vests. It was back to leggings under baggy sweatpants, a sweatshirt, sweater and a winter jacket, and oh, don't forget the big ass winter boots on a horribly stormy day. Ah, to live in Canada is such a blessing! "I wanna go on the Drop Tower," Lizzie giggled excitedly.

We all fell into crippling silence, all eyes focused on Lizzie who had yet to realize that the atmosphere had changed the moment she mentioned the Drop Tower of all rides. Stewart's brows pinched towards one another as his face contorted into sheer confusion, "are you psychotic?"

Her smile fell, "what!?"

"Guys, the Drop Tower isn't shit, let's ride the Minebuster," Alec exclaimed.

"No, I wanna go on the Leviat-"

Xavier threw his hands up in the air, halting Stewart mid-sentence. He sighed, "look we all want to try different rides first and that's understandable but we came as a group so at least let's enjoy some time together first riding something we can all agree on, eat lunch and when the time is right we can go our separate ways and meet back here, right at this spot, sounds like a plan?"

After a few seconds of deliberation, we all agreed to Xavier's terms. "What about the Behemoth?" I suggested. I wanted our first ride to be thrilling, I wanted adrenaline pumping through my veins to the point where it felt like I was on drugs. I'm sure if I say this out loud many people will be concerned.

"And you guys say I'm crazy," Lizzie scoffed, then a smirk slid over her mouth, "I'm in!"

"Cool, let's do it." They all agreed and I threw my fist up in triumph, nudging them towards our first ride.

~ ~ ~

Whenever I'd fantasize about a cheesy romantic encounter with my non-existent-hopefully- soon-existent boyfriend, I always imagine us climbing onto a Ferris wheel, trapped beside one another, a stuffed animal so big it needed its own seat which then forces us to close the little space we already have between us in the compacted booth.

Then, considering we were now trapped in an uncomfortable position he'd have no choice but to throw a hand around my shoulder. As the car rocked, I'd accidentally crash into him and then the music dials down to a soothing rhythm, my heart would thump in my chest rapidly as butterflies fought against the restraints of my love-infested stomach.

He'd peer down at me, his eyes glimmering with the newfound revelation of his feelings for me. I'd slowly rise, still trapped beneath his scolding gaze. He'd stare at me, breathing heavily like his heart ran a marathon. Then he'd press a hand to my cheek gently. . .hesitantly and then lean down and kiss me.

Fireworks would erupt above our heads because why not? The crowd which magically formed beneath us for absolutely no reason would clap and cheer. The car would jerk once again and the kiss would break as we fell into a giggling fit, our smiles nearly breaking our faces.

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