03 | Castor

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I expected the beginning of the end, also known as Senior year to be the beginning of an adventurous life: College, parties, boyfriends, money, a job at a bar or a cashier at Walmart because at such a young age I'm already experiencing an existential crisis courtesy of not yet "finding myself." But never did I expect to find out that I won't live long enough to experience any of those.

However, If I went about my day sulking there won't really be a senior year to enjoy. I'll be leaving high school in ten months, that's something to look forward to. "I'm kinda bummed we don't have first period together." Lizzie leaned against my locker as I flung my items inside, items that will never see the day of light or the slight touch of my hand till the school year ends.

"God bless you! I have English 4U and I know for a fact Shakespeare is in the curriculum. I'd rather shooteth thyself in thy head." Lizzie visibly cringed; her nose crinkled upwards, her brows pinched inwards, and her lips cocked upwards into a disgusted scowl. I ignored it. "Here," I handed her the novel she "accidentally" left in my room.

"You try to outsmart me again, I'll kill you." I threatened as I slammed the locker shut for dramatic effect which seemed to work in my favour. She flinched by the sound of the powerful bang and scattered away from me, muttering that I was hostile under her breath.

Lizzie and I have been best friends since 3rd grade. There is no epic story behind the making of our friendship other than the fact that she treated me differently from everyone else. I went to a predominantly white private elementary school.

Though most of the students from there attended this high school, there has been an increase in diverse students and bullying is not tolerated here at all.

Anyways, many kids took interest in my hair as if it were handcrafted by extremely talented aliens and it's no surprise that I was also bullied for being of a different race, both Alec and I and every other person of colour. But, Lizzie was the first person who treated me like her superior.

As minuscule as this may sound, being treated as if I were "special or different" in any way shape or form whether it's because of my skin, hair or illness was not a joyful ride, so having her - someone of a different background - acknowledge the fact that I was a simple human being like everyone else felt amazing.

"I'm heading to class before the bell rings, you know how Mrs. Alexandrio gets when we're even a minute late. Why in God's name is she teaching a university course!?" Lizzie gave me a comforting pat on the back, beckoning me down the hallway towards my homeroom/English class.

We parted ways and soon I was sauntering into the already packed class of chattering students. "Ellie, can I talk to you?" A familiar voice inquired. I turned to face Mrs. Alexandrio who greeted me with a comforting smile. Yeah, I already know what's going on.

The following minutes consisted of her hand falling onto my shoulder, caressing it in hopes that it would be comforting. Her eyes softened and her voice which was usually shrilling dipped lowly so that no one except myself could hear her. She proceeded to tell me about the news she received from the principal of my recurred cancer.

This is a private school, not only are my parents funding this school, but my mother is also on the school's board. It's not surprising that the principal is now aware that I have leukemia. This now gives me the sick girl pass, a term I use to define a situation in which I am easily dismissed because I'm sick in comparison to someone who is likely to be reprimanded for doing the exact same thing as myself.


When she was done "comforting" me, I found myself sitting at the back of the class, occasionally acknowledging a few of my friends and acquaintances. The bell rang soon after, indicating that classes were to begin. Mrs. Alexandrio never wasted time and immediately began handing out this semester's curriculum.

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