El-Oh-Vee-Ee (BxB)

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       ~ Author's note ~

 Okay, this is going to be hella different for me, because I usually write fanfics or BxGs... But I figured I'd try this out, because I'm getting bored with all my other stories now. .-. But don't spare me any harshness, I enjoy any comments you have for me. All right, so I guess I'll probably start now... >.> Here goes.

**Now, to the Story**

I'm gonna let you bleed for a little bit, I'll make you beg just for making me cry.

I hummed along to Bert McCracken's voice as I was walking home from school. The Used has to be the best band in the world, and if anyone has ever spoken the truth, it's Bert. I've never seen him or his band live, but someday, I know I've got to. I'd have to thank them.

This isn't a cliche, either, when I say this: The Used saved my life. I was probably in the worst state possible when my best friend Tori showed me their song Sound Effects and OverdramaticsSince then, two years ago, I've been listening to, and obsessing over, them. 

Someone grabbed me by the hair, behind me. "Hey, faggot, what you listening to?" 

It was Vance. The one guy who picks on everyone he sets eyes on. You know, like the ones you see on TV, read about in books, or even see at school? Yeah, that was him, the douchebag, captain of the football team, and the homecoming king. He got everything he wanted; the good grades, the scholarships from the best colleges, all of the money, the nicest clothes. He was that guy. And he'd be attractive, if he weren't such an asshole.

 "Don't touch my hair," was all I could muster, when I really wanted to just scream about how much I hated him, in every vulgar way possible.

 "Oh, is that an emo band?" Vance laughed, taking my iPod and attempting to listen to Cry, which was the song I'd been listening to. "Oh, dear God, what is this shit?" He thrusted it back at me. "Do me a favor and listen to some Lil Wayne or something, it might do you some good." 

"Did you need something, or did you come to compliment me?" I rolled my eyes.

"Please. Save it for your mirror. I was going to be the nice guy and give you your notebook. You left it in the locker room. Don't worry, I didn't read it." Vance rolled his eyes, reaching in his messenger bag. "Do me a favor, though, and keep it hidden. I told the guys I'd read it, but I didn't, because believe it or not, I'm not a complete douche." He handed me the notebook I'd actually been looking for since after PE. 

My face turned a little red. "T-thanks..." 

"And by the way, I like The Used, too." He grinned, walking away.

I put my notebook in my backpack.

Okay, what the hell was that about?


El-Oh-Vee-Ee (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now