Chapter 13: Miggy's Advice

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"What do you want? And why aren't we on group chat? Or where's Mike?" "Damn will you shut up?", Jas interrupts Miggy's bombarding her with 50 million questions. "I'm starting to regret calling already." Mash pinches her. "Ouch!", Jas exaggerates her sense of pain.

Mash raises both of her eyebrows and nods as to say go on. Jas had insisted on her listening in. Jas is also starting to regret that too. "Well unfortunately Mash..." Mash pinches her again "Ouch, shit. Dammit ok Mash ", Jas says as she winces and frowns. She then continues, "She thinks I should get your advice on something I've been avoiding telling you guys."

There's silence. "Miggy you still there?", Jas asks. "Yeah I'm here.", he says all of a sudden sounding nervous. Jas sighs. "I'm pregnant.", she says nervously. "I know.", he says. Jas' and Mash's eyes both get large. "Wait how do you know?", Jas asks confused.

"You're my sister. My only sister, my little sister. We all knew that night. You may be non-violent for the most part (everyone knows about her protectiveness over Mash) but you've never been one not to be able to watch it. Plus remember Max and Dre saw you throw up...they got girls. They know what happens with pregnant women.

Also you're reaction to him, you were mad enough to punch him, but after what he did, the old you would've kicked his ass. You held back though. And you looked conflicted. I hit him in the balls with brass knuckles so he definitely won't be having anymore kids. If that helps any.

The last reason we weren't a hundred percent sure it was you being pregnant or sad....don't be mad at me but you've put on some weight you're usually a fitness fanatic. We love you. We also wanted and still want to do more to fuck him up for this, too. But we didn't 'cause it's your choice on whether to do it or not. Please say that's what you calling about.", he explains.

Jas just looks at Mash. She didn't think she was that transparent. "No, no remember I need advice.", Jas says in a a hurry. "Oh in that case sorry please continue.", he says. "Well... ok...well let me start at it like this..." Mash rubs Jas back cause she sees Jas is struggling with this. So Jas takes a deep breath.

But Mash also knows Jas well enough to know that because her family is so close knit she would want SOMEONE from her family's input, who better than one she's closest too. "I know I don't want any remembrance in my life of the that night. But at the same time I'm having trouble going through it. I was at planned parenthood and turn around.", Jas explained.

Miggy sat quiet for a second. He then starts out, "Hey do you remember how nervous you were when you decided to go to college. You couldn't figure out whether that was really what you wanted or not. I know for the longest time you thought you'd just fall back. And be like me and pop. But I'll put it like this we both saw you had too much potential to be like us. But we also knew you wouldn't listen to us.

The one person who also saw that and who you ALWAYS listen to is sitting right next to you. I know her too. She had you call me because she's not sure how to support you with this one. But I'll put it to you you 2 little nuggets like this. Mash is much as familia than any one of us. Mash you still don't see it....I don't know how, not by now....but whatever.

Mash you are her closest family out of any of us me included. You know her better than anyone in this world and she loves you more than anyone world. You 2 already know what y'all want. So even though that baby is technically half you Jas. I know you don't want a kid unless it's both yours and Mash's, if ya dig.

Ok if I can go now, I would love to go take a shower this sentimental mushy shit is making me itch.", Miggy finishes as only Miggy can finish. "Ok ok graciãs, fuck stick.", Jas says. Mash screams, "I love you Miggy." "Ugh bye heathens."

Jas lets out a huge sigh of relief. "Ok, you were right. It was good to call him. But you needed to hear that more than I did.", she says with a smirk. She then walks up and kisses Mash's forehead and says, "I'm a dumbass and I know you've forgiven me. But this was stupid and...", Jas starts out but Mash interrupts her, "Jas you're right, now we should move on." She knew what Jas was about to do.

"But we can't until everything is out there. Once it is, we can move on. And we can get this procedure done and over.", Jas explains why she's rehashing the past again. She starts with, "When we went out on our date to the movies. I thought we had both settled things and we had everything out in open. And the next night I thought you said you were ready to do this." Jas waves her index finger between the 2 of them.

"I even asked you again to look me in the eye and tell me you were ready. You said you were. So I said fuck it I'm ready to do this for real and lock this shit up." Jas stops. " I want to make sure you know I'm not blaming you. I'm blaming my own insecurities and stupidity." Mash nods as to say go on.

"But the fact you kept saying no to getting married right at that moment....which I NOW realize was the smart thing...but right then it felt like a rejection. That's why the thought (of being with someone else) even entered my head." Jas stops again.

"But please believe me when I say this 'cause it's the honest to God truth. I told you about my thoughts to open up with you and to fix our shit. I honestly wanted, stupidly wanted to go to lunch with him to tell him in person. I had already made my choice that I wanted to be with you.

I let him in to my place that night I didn't call him over and it certainly wasn't a date. I was drinking and watching Netflix." Jas explains as tears are now running down her face. Mash gently wipes her tears and says "I know, baby."

Mash now feels obligated to let things off her chest as well. She sighs and says, "I know you said it wasn't my fault, but I should've been open with YOU too. I WAS insecure myself, because I was certain you were gonna hurt me in some sort of way. And truth is everything would've been solved if we had just talked to each other.", Mash says and gives Jas a comforting smile. She then says "This time we both need to learn from what's happened and grow together from it. Ok?", she adds. "Now can we let this go and move on with our lives together?", Mash finishes with.

The next week Jas and Mash traveled back to Marietta together and this time Jas went through with the abortion. Mash stayed by her side, holding her hand the entire time.

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