Chapter 10: Riverdale Rd.

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Marc, Paco and Dre asked to meet up with everyone else before the 3 had to actually kidnap Mike Yin, They wanted to get a clear cut plan of what to do with him after they had him. They all meet up at Nova a few days after all the men first see Jas' appearance and when they decided on how to get revenge.

When places to take him came up, both Mash and Dre say they know some good places in College Park to take Michael Yin. "Go take your pick up on Riverdale.", Mash suggested. Dre then offered, "Yea I actually know just the place to take him too." Jas then said as they were all walking out, "I hope y'all know I'm going too." She had mostly just been sitting back listening.

"Well shit, if she's gonna be there so am I.", Mash quickly added. "So what are you two back together now or what?", Miggy asked. "Damn, mind your own damn business, estupido.", Jas said before she slapped the back of his head, knocking his hat off. Everybody else just looked at Miggy and laughed.

"Well that wasn't a no.", Miggy said picking up his hat. "You're right, Miggy.", Mash says. Jas shoots her look. "It was a mind you're damn business. Mash smirks and skips ahead of everyone. Jas smiles. "That had a promising tone", she thought as they walked on.

Truth is they did try and talk about their relationship. They talked as soon as they woke up after they made love a few days ago. But honestly, nothing had been settled. They're still in a wtf is going on phase in their relationship.
                  A few days ago
"Ok here's the thing. I have only been with girls and only into them too especially you. BUT the one guy, I've ever had some sort of feelings towards was Mike. So I was always confused when it came to him.", Jas said. "So are you bi?", Mash asked her.

"No!!! Well I don't know...I don't think so....?", Jas (sort of) answered. "So wait seeing him just made you all of a sudden lose your shit and forget you had a fianceé?, Mash asked. "No. Fuck no!!! I still wanted to then and I definitely still want to marry you, now." Mash sighs and put her fingers at the bridge of her nose.

"I'm still not understanding some things. So why did things suddenly change when HE came around then?" Jas clinched her jaw. "Cause as much as want to marry you, I still am nervous about doing it.", Jas said. "He was an out."

"So wait, hold the fuck up you didn't just want a hall pass? Did you? Which that would've been bad enough. But no you were gonna cheat!", Mash accused Jas. "NO!!!", Jas said in a hurry. "Maybe you should shut up now. Because you're only making things worse, Jas. I'm gonna take the dogs for a walk. I need some fresh air. I'll be back later." Then Mash left.
Present Day
The guys drag Mike in because he was still out cold. They sit him down in a chair and strap him up. "Ok when did this become some low budget mafia movie.", Mash asks kind of jokingly/kind of seriously. "When this motherfucker decided it was cool to rape and beat up my sister.", Michael the oldest says. Jas all of a sudden runs out the house to throw up. "She must be nervous.", Miggy says. Well then I should join her.", Mase says with a laugh. He was the only one who laughed.

Mash had went to chase after her. She rubs Jas' back. "We really should go to the doctor Jas.", Mash says as she gives Jas a worried look. "And what in the fuck am I gonna do then?", Jas asks not looking back up at her. They had to whisper cause Max and Dre were standing outside too. They followed them to make sure they stay safe.

Mash simply says, "I dunno, right now." But we'll figure it out. You always have me, I'll be with you all the way. Like an annoying little sidekick." That made Jas smile. Thanks my little one. And you're not annoying. But you are definitely little.", Jas says with a smile. Mash holds her hand rubbing circles on it to help calm her. She then leads Jas back in.

"You ok sis? Nerves kickin in, huh?"Miggy asks. "Yea got mixed emotions about this shit.", Jas lied, sort of. She does but that's not why she went running out. "MIXED EMOTIONS!!?!?", everybody in the room(except Mash) asks in unison. "Um yea we can get in a lot of trouble for this.", Jas lied some more. Well sort of she is very scared of getting caught.

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