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  Sorry loves i just really wanted to show off one of my favorite  Animal Collective songs.


Why accept? You didn't really know. From what you saw in the videos you actually began investing yourself into the story. You cared about people you'd never even meet.

Plus at this point, you've been favoring the theory that It was all fabricated. A horror story that needed some hype wanted to spread the word. Although, it was strange that you had gone so far with something that clearly was a group of very clever college kids.

You wanted to believe all you had done was for something. Evan seemed like an awesome guy; though it was highly possible 'Evan' never existed.

The creators still seemed like they'd be nice to talk to. Seemed like they enjoyed animal collective which was a rare find. Don't get it wrong you still intended on scolding them for putting the fear of God into you, because man have you royally fucked your life into the ground as of recent.


Evan: um Hello?

Rabbit#132: Haha hey so you're the legendary Evan huh?

Evan: Yeah, I guess that's me.

Rabbit#132: yeah... so whats up? The big bad HABIT got you down?

Evan: Well more like The big bad HABIT is fucking up lives...I'm sorry about the trials. I saw what happened with your friend, and your mom on the videos.

Rabbit#132: I guess I took your game way to serious, but my question is why? Why go to such a length to make everyone believe? I admit It's my fault for falling for it, but my head isn't in the right place. I just want to know why.

Evan: I wish I could say it was some joke, but (y/n) I've done horrible shit. Shit, you only see in nightmares. Fuck there's so much blood on my hands I've lost count. I didn't want you to think it was all for nothing...I wish I could tell you to run, but there's no running from this. Your apart of his game now. Hell, you're probably playing for your own death.

Rabbit#132: Comforting thought there thank you.* SARCASM * Well, if I'm gonna go out soon can I at least as one thing of you?

(it was quite apparent you put no belief into his words)

Evan: I'm serious! this shits happening and, don't think like that HABIT is a walking paradox. Its never what it seems with him, and I can try.

Rabbit#132: Good, keep me company while I polish off this bottle.

Evan: Haha alright I can do that.




It was a bit awkward at first, but as you both began to talk about the shit that makes you both happy. Something got sparked. Video games, music, movies, and shots seemed to help you both bond easily.

Next, you both became fixated on what the best animal collective song was. Along with which Quentin Tarantino movie was the best.

As things always seem to lead when you've had a drink or two. You ended up gushing over how sweet you baby brother was. He may have been 12, but to you, he'd always be your baby brother.

You ranted for nearly an hour about all the fun the both of you had together. About Thursday being ice scream night, and you take him out and get his favorite Fishfood. Yours being Cherry Garcia.

Then your little happy bubble of sweet memories was shot down. You came crashing to the ground.

"Seems like an awesome Little guy. Isn't today Thursday. Where is he at a friend house or something?"

You internally scorned yourself. You could have just shut your big ass mouth, but noOOOO.

A sorrowful look drifted across your face and you stare at the ground. "Woah whats wrong- you switched modes fast as fuck". A sigh and a half-assed chuckle escape your lips.

Even though you'd never admit it. Your eyes were a bit glossy. Tears threatening to escape. Your force the lump in your throat down," He's dead."

You were proud of how blunt you were. Many times before you'd blow up and freak out on an unknowing victim of curiosity.

You smiled numbly at the bottle must be the liquor.

He paused for a moment, " Fuck, I'm really sorry (y/n)...Can I ask what happened to him?"

You feel the warm streaming tears slide down your flushed cheeks without you realizing it, "car crash." You mutter. No wonder your dad was a drunk. It really did dull the pain. "Haha two years ago. My dad was hammered, drove right into a lake. With my baby brother asleep in the back seat. Although I'm pretty sure that the paramedic just wanted me to feel better about it. When Elliot was lying in that casket I could see the marks on his neck they tried to cover up with makeup. I know what my that fuck face did. My little brother was dead way before they hit that water."

You take another shot. Pure Relief flooded through your body. Settling the twisting, writhing of your insides... like maggots.

"That mother fucker. Fuck I'm sorry..." He stutters out as if the entire situation caught him off guard.

" Everyone's sorry. Everyones so fucking sorry, but what does it change. He's still never gonna see the world. Then again maybe it's a good thing, Its filled with nothing but rot and decay."

"(y/n)...Its gonna be alright. It may not feel like the pains ever going to go away like you drowning in it but If you keep hanging on to what never happened...You'll never really live to see the part of the world that hasn't been fucked yet. When he was here you felt something you'll have again one-day Solace. "

You half laugh "Wow whats with you all the sudden Shylo Buff ?" you ask jokingly. Tring the clear the shitty tension that hung in the air.

"I wasn't lying when I said I've done some horrible shit. It may not have been voluntary, but it doesn't change their blood is on my hands, and I'm gonna burn for it. You still have a chance... don't let it go to waste."


Hello, my darling little rabbits let the chess game begin

Remeber Rabbits every vote counts

, yours truly

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