Chapter 19

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I had to get out. I had to get away from the whole situation to think about what Catarina had just admitted to. She loved Sabin. He and her were a thing. They were a couple. He was her first love. And I, I was second to a mass murdering hit man. I took a walk away from the hospital and into a near by park where I sat on a green wooden park bench that was a few feet from the entrance. Sure enough, within a few moments in walked...

"Danny," I said as he sat down.

"Don't act so surprised," He said leaning back on the bench, "If you want I can go and get Steve. Cause I feel like he is the guy that does this more often then I do."

"Honestly I don't feel like talking to anyone right now," I said, "So why don't you just head back?"

"I would," Danny said, "But then I wouldn't be able to tell you that you are making one of the biggest mistakes of your life."

"How do you figure," I asked, "She loved him, Danny. So, what I am just suppose to go on knowing that-that, she loved him over me."

"Hold on," Danny said, "Is that why you are upset? Because she loved him. The key word in that whole sentence is LOV-ED. Meaning past tense. Meaning not anymore." 

I remained silent.

"I mean if she still loved him," he continued, "Which I highly doubt she does. Why would she run from him for 6 years? Why not take him with? More importantly why would she put a bullet into his head, if she still loved him."

I glanced up at Danny.

"She is good for you Jerry," Danny said looking out over the park, "She was willing to do everything to get you back. She loves you. Not the guy that she shot in the head."

I let out a long sigh.

"Just remember," Danny said getting up, "You walk away now, you walk away from quite possibly the love of your life."

Danny slowly walked out of the park and back to the hospital down the street. Leaving me alone with nothing but my thoughts. 


Everyone was in the room with me. Steve, Chin, Lou, Kono, and eventually Danny had come back from talking with Jerry.

"What did he have to say," I asked perking up.

"He didn't really have much to say," he said, "He seems hung on the idea that you still love Sabin."

"But I don't," I said quickly.

"Which I told him," Danny said, "Just give him some time. He will come around."

Steve phone then rang.

"McGarrett," he said.

He remained silent for a few minutes and then said, "Alright. We will go and check it out." 

He hung up his phone and then said, "TSA just phoned. Said that they are holding Vaughn at the airport. Will you be okay?"

"Of course," I said. 

Steve and the team then went jogging out of my room. Leaving me alone.


Danny, Lou and I sped down the highway in Danny's Camero, with Kono and Chin following behind. We pulled off of the highway and toward Honolulu International Airport. When we got to the enterance, we pulled off to the pick up area and got out. In our Kevlar vests we walked past all of the tourist coming in and to the front desk.

"Evening," I said pulling out my badge, "Steve McGarrett, Five-O. We got a call that TSA picked up a Mr. Vaughn Kotov" 

"I can call down the supervisor right away," the lady said behind the desk.

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