Chapter 1

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Hello! Hello!

Welcome to this Hawaii Five-O Fan Fic. A bit background before you start reading. I am not a writer. I am putting that out there now. I write only for pure enjoyment and I try to make it enjoyable to read. If you have a suggestions or writing tips! Feel Free to leave a comment! Also, this episode takes place around season 6 of Hawaii Five-o! And that is all I will say because I don't want to spoil the show for those who may still be watching it! ENJOY!


She is beautiful. 

Every time that I saw her, I couldn't help but smile and stare. Which made me seem more like a creep than anything. The first time that I saw her, she came into the HPD building to drop off a woman's purse that she had found while on her morning jog. Her blue eyes met my eyes and I knew that we had a connection. Sad to say, I didn't see much of her after that day but fate must have been on my side. Because a few weeks later, I stopped by a local coffee shop and there she was. She was a barista and I found out her name, Catarina. Since I found out where she worked, I made it a point to stop there every morning before going to work. And today was the day that I was going to finally ask her out. 

I waited patiently for the other morning commuters to get their overpriced coffee. I smoothed my hair back and let out a huge sigh as I walked up to the front counter. 

"Hey Jerry," she said with a smile, "The usual?"

"Yes please," I said smiling. 

As Catarina filled up my medium sized black coffee, I nervously fidgeted with my hands and once more fixed my hair before she turned back around. 

"There you are," she said placing the coffee down, "$2.10 is your total."

I dug into my pockets to remove my money and as I extended my hand over the counter, I knocked over the coffee making it spill all over the place. 

"Oh god," I said picking up the cup, "I am so sorry."

"No it's fine," Catarina said wiping up the coffee, "I can make you another one."

"That's okay," I said walking away.

"It's no problem," she said as I walked out, "Jerry."

I threw the cup in the trash by the door and walked out to my minivan. When I got into my car, I slammed my hands on the steering wheel.

"Idiot," I said. 


After my embarrassing spill at the coffee shop, I drove to my work which as the Honolulu Police Department Building. I worked as a special consultant for the Five-O Task Force. I have been for a few years now and I couldn't be happier with the job. 

When I got into the HPD building I walked up to the Five-O HQ which was just above. I walked through the glass doors to see my boss, Steve McGarrett busy cleaning some weapons from the weapons safe.

"Hey Jer," he said, "How are you doin' this morning?"

"Things could be going better," I said shrugging.

"Why's that," he asked putting back together an M16.

"So, I went to get my coffee as normal this morning," I said.

"Yeah," Steve said putting weapons away.

"And I may or may not have spilled coffee on Catarina."

Steve locked the weapons safe and said, "Okay, and how did she respond?"

"She wasn't phased," I said, "She said that it was fine and not to worry about it."

"But yet you are worried about it," Steve said crossing his arms.

"What if I ruined my only shot to ask her out," I asked.

"You think a bit of spilled coffee is going to make her think any less of you," Steve said, "You are human, Jerry. You make mistakes."

Before I could respond, there was a light knock on the glass door. I turned to see that it was Catarina. 

"Hi," she said softly, "Sorry to disturb you, the officer downstairs said you may be up here Jerry."

"And that is my cue to leave," Steve said, "See you later Jerry. Ma'am."

Steve left the room and Catarina walked forward smiling a bit. 

"You ran out of the coffee shop so quickly I didn't have time to make you another one," she said holding out a medium-sized cup of warm coffee, "Can't start your day without coffee."

"Sorry about what happened," I said taking the coffee from her.

"Oh don't worry about it," she said, "If I had nickel everytime some dropped or spilled a coffee at that coffee shop, I could afford more then the tiny ass apartment that I live in now."

We both shared a chuckle and then a silence filled the air. It was now or never to ask her out. She came all this way just to deliver me coffee, she must have some feelings for me. Why else would she do this?

"Well," she said, "I should be getting back to work, I only have a 15-minute break."

As Catarina turned around,  I don't know what happened but words just sort of came out and I said, "Would you like to go out with me this Friday?"

She stopped in her tracks and turned to face me, tucking her brown curly hair behind her ear and then smiling. 

"I would love too," she said.

"Really," I said.

"Yeah," she said walking closer to me, "How about drinks at 7 pm at the Taiki Bar near Sunset Road?"

"Sure," I said. 

"See you then," she said kissing me on the cheek. 

She walked out of the office, leaving me with the biggest smile on my face. I was going out on a date with Catarina. Within a few minutes, Steve walked back in. 

"Well," he said smiling.

I smiled back at him and said, "I got a date."

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